- pure administrative orders 行政抽象命令
- An administrative order is valid if authorized by a statute. 如果一个行政命令得到一个法规的认可那么这个命令就是有效的。
- There must be no more issuing of administrative orders regarding the creation and criticism of literature and art. 在文艺创作、文艺批评领域的行政命令必须废止。
- Family planning is also a reform of social custom and cannot possibly be carried out just by administrative orders. 计划生育又是一场移风易俗的社会变革,决不是仅靠行政命令就可以做到的。
- Violating a stipulation of R.O.C. laws, decrees, administrative orders or regulations seriously enough. 不服从工作指挥;经三次发警告函者.
- Serious violation a of R.O.C. laws, decrees, administrative orders or regulations. 违返中华民国法令;情节重大者.
- The administrational order was disregard of the law. 这项行政命令置法律于不顾。
- We cannot abolish religion by administrative order or force people not to believe in it. 我们不能用行政命令去消灭宗教,不能强制人们不信教。
- The marks of the true church are the pure preaching of the gospel, the pure administration of the sacraments, and the exercise of discipline. 真正的教会有三个记号:传讲纯正的神的话、合宜的执行圣礼、和执行管教。
- The government is considering enacting a law on religion to end years of confusion caused by conflicting administrative orders. 政府正考虑制定宗教法以结束多年来由行政条例管理所导致的混乱。
- There is also a epigene forcebehind, such as an administrative order or trade some of her photographers, etc. 也有外力促成的,如行政命令或者行业撮合等。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- The court in that case reversed an administrative order refusing to treat a convenience store as a "grocery store" eligible for a liquor license. 该案法院撤销了一项行政命令,该命令拒绝把一个便利商店看作有资格取得烈酒许可证的“食品杂货商店”。
- All attempts to use administrative orders or coercive measures to settle ideological questions or questions of right and wrong are not only ineffective but harmful. 企图用行政命令的方法,用强制的方法解决思想问题,是非问题,不但没有效力,而且是有害的。
- EPA can then make findings similar to those triggering the section 4 testing rules and issue an administrative order prohibiting manufacture or use. 如果出现这种情况,环境保护局也可以发布一个调查结果,这个调查结果类似于一种可以引发第4条检查法规的判决,进而发布一个禁止制造和使用的行政命令。
- The education relation of our country established on the basis of plan and administrative orders in the period of planned economy,so it was political and administrative. 我国的教育关系在计划经济时代是以计划、行政命令为基础的教育关系,这一关系具有政治化、行政化的色彩;
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- As Judge Weinstein explained, the evidence concerning the possible dangers from Agent Orange would have been enough for a court to uphold an administrative order limiting its use. 正如温斯坦法官解释的那样,药剂橙可能危险的证据足以促使法院发出一个命令,禁止其使用。
- We must not condemn her on pure supposition. 我们不能单凭猜测就谴责她。
- Don't believe what he's saying it's pure bunkum. 别相信他的话--纯粹是胡说八道。