- Status of each bill is current as of press time. 以下将按照字母顺序;分别介绍各州食品方面的法律法规.
- Much ironing and pressing time can be saved by hanging articles which are still heavy with rinse water . 那些仍有很多水的很重的衣物可以通过悬挂节省许多熨烫和挤压时间。
- Compare the specimens qualify rate,pain level and the wounds pressing time in puncture site after blood sampling. 结果观察组较对照组的标本合格率高、患者疼痛程度轻、穿刺处压迫时间少。
- The pressing time can automatically be changed with the temperature of hot platen.The real-time control is upgraded. 该控制系统能随着热压板的温度变化自动调整保压时间,提高了实时控制质量。
- Abstract: Objective Method To clear the influence of pressing point and the pressing time on the incidence rate of ecchymoma. 文章摘要: 目的探讨静脉输液拔针后按压部位及按压时间对皮下淤血发生率的影响。
- The factors are hot pressing temperature, glue spread, BL-formaldehyde absorptive reagent spread and hot pressing time in influence sequence. 影响大小次序是热压温度>脲胶施加量>BL-甲醛消纳剂施加量>热压时间。
- By using the system, pressing time could be automatically changed with the temperature of hot press platen. 这个系统能随着热压板温度的变化自动调整保压时间。
- The results showed that the stearn injection hot pressing method shortened the hot pressing time of LVL, and the quality of the preducts was quite good. 结果表明,喷蒸热压可有效缩短杉木单板层积材的热压时间,且制品性能较好。
- Network to achieve the basic filtering, pressing time to time rumors, it is very important, who have just started to learn network programming for the students. 能够实现基本的网络过滤功能,蜚地模压时机时机,很重要,对于刚刚开始学习网络编程的同学来说。
- By press time, dozens of professional rescuers were working underground to try and find the nine missing miners. 截至发稿时间,有数十名专业营救人员还在井下进行救援工作。
- At press time, his wife Zhou Zhenglong Luo Cui has not yet been allowed to enter the courtroom. 截至发稿时,周正龙妻子罗大翠仍未被允许进入法庭。
- Representatives from KC were not immediately available for comment as of press time Monday. 代表架KC未立即发表评论截至记者发稿时星期一。
- By press time, the reporter failed to contact ternary Study Group spokesman Shan Fan. 截至发稿时,记者未能联系到三元集团新闻发言人范学珊。
- At press time, the cause of his death had not been determined. According to an ABT spokesperson, Bissell was enrolled in a company drug rehabilitation program at the time. 截至截稿日期,死因尚未确定。不过,根据美国芭蕾舞剧院一个发言人所说,比斯尔死时正在一家戒毒中心接受治疗。
- At press time, Shuangliu International Airport flight departure delays of 80 classes into 39 classes for inbound flights. 截至记者发稿时,双流国际机场延时的出港航班有80班,进港航班为39班。
- At press time, Solid Oak had determined that the filtering engine or parts of it on lower level had been decompiled, using certain proprietary methods. 截至记者发稿时,固体橡树已确定的过滤引擎或部分在较低的水平已经反编译,使用某些专有方法。
- An official statement from the ESA outlining the changes will be released on Monday, numerous sources said. E-mails to the ESA for comment were not returned at press time. ESA将于星期一发表官方声明,会有变更大纲。
- This machine kind can set up press speed and press time,press approach nadir time have decelerate designer automatic.make terminal crimping shape more stable. 此款机种可设定压着速度及压着次数,压着接近最低点时自动有减速设计,使端子压著成型更为稳定。
- This past two days, Telstra shares close 4.42 Australian dollars all the way from the fell At press time, only its shares closed at 4.24 Australian dollars. 这两天来,澳洲电讯的股价从接近4.;42澳元一路小幅下跌,截至记者发稿时,它的股价仅收于4
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。