- Feng Zikai was a warmhearted advocator of the popular literature and arts. 丰子恺是一个大众文艺的热心提倡者。
- You find it, it's been studied in popular literature, literature for the masses. 这些在普及的面向大众的资料中就已经做过研究,随处可见。
- Scanned from engraving in "Appleton's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art", 1869. 请参阅共享资源上的详细描述、讨论页、页面历史、上传日志。
- Murakami Haruki’s novels possess both the characteristics of the popular literature and the scholastic literature. 村上春树的小说兼具大众文学与精英文学的特点。
- In Song and Yuan Dynasties period, the popular rhapsody was gradually declined with the diversification in form of popular literature. 宋元时期,随着通俗文学形式的多样化,俗赋又渐渐隐去;
- Chen Chen is one of the most important abherent poets of Ming Dynasty and popular literature writers at the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasty. 陈忱是明末清初最重要的遗民诗人和通俗文学作家之一。
- Thirdly, giving the popular literature a proper position by delimiting the conception and researching the value of existence. 第三,通过对通俗文学概念的界定和其存在价值的探究,给通俗文学定位。
- Wang's novel is special in popular literature,and plays a role that break and intersperse the balance of whole cultural circle. 这样的小说,是大众文学中的另类文学,在整个的文化圈子内,起到的是一种打破平衡的点缀作用。
- Nevertheless, they also endeavored to preserve their individuality and peculiarity to differ from the popular literature. 但在进行借用的同时,晚生代小说本身仍在为保持自己区分于大众文化文本的独特性做出努力。
- As for the material for quoting,we mainly chose military works,particularly in Ming Dynasty, and historical records,and subordinately chose popular literature as a supplement. 而在引用材料方面,以兵书与史书为主,以通俗文献为辅,而兵书又以明代的为主。
- The relationship between popular literature and serious literature is a focus of recent academic research,which arouses us to rethink their border,connotation,value and evaluation system. 通俗文学与严肃文学的关系是近年学术界研究的一个热点,它引发了对于雅俗文学界限、内涵、价值和评价体系的重新思考。
- The paper further points out that the popular rhapsody was not at all disappeared during the course of development, only its "organic element" was assimilated by other popular literature and handed down in other popular forms. 在此基础上,指出俗赋在其发展过程中并没有消失,而是其"有机元素"被其它通俗文学吸收同化,并以其它通俗形式流传。
- To illustrate and discuss marketing concepts, we will read articles from scienw tific journals, chaptlers from marketing textbooks, newspaper clippings, and selections from popular literature. 为了阐明和讨论营销的概念,我们将会阅读一些科学期刊的文章、营销教科书中的章节、新闻剪报,以及流行读物中的节选文章。
- To illustrate and discuss marketing concepts, we will read articles from scientific journals, chapters from marketing textbooks, newspaper clippings, and selections from popular literature. 为了阐明和讨论行销的概念,我们将会阅读一些科学期刊的文章、行销教科书中的章节、新闻剪报,以及流行读物中的节选文章。
- The reason might lie in the structure of literary history of modern intellectual elites who base on the western study, and who exclude the modern popular literature which inclines to the tradition. 究其原因,乃是因为立足于学习西方进行“借鉴革新”的现代知识精英的文学史构架,对侧重于面向传统进行“继承改良”的现代通俗文学的排斥。
- Under the particular historical backgroud of the postwar period,intermediate novels which is between the pure literature and the popular literature appeared in the Japanese literary world. 在战后特定的历史条件下,日本文坛上产生了处于纯文学与大众文学之间的中间小说。
- The novel is the foregoer of city pop novels, and is the start of the change for citizen popular literature to modernization, and takes its pioneer position in the narration of city. 它开启了以后的都市通俗小说,是市民大众文学走向现代化的开端,这些对于都市的叙述都是有开创性意义的。
- The singer led off with a popular ballad. 歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste. 我们的文艺必须为大众所喜闻乐见。