- A practical example of drainage culvert application to replace the pile foundation works for foundation treatment in a hydro-structure on mud ground base is presented. 主要介绍了在淤泥地基上建造水工建筑物时,利用排水涵管取代桩基础的工程实例。
- The deflection of precast piles and excavation problems induced by pile driving are introduced through an engineering case of pile foundation treatment of a power plant. 通过某电厂桩基处理工程实例,介绍了打桩引起的预制桩偏位及开挖问题。
- Application of Short Delay Blasting in Pile Foundation Treatment 微差爆破技术在桩基处理中的应用
- Engineering application of three-lime pile foundation treatment method 三灰桩地基处理方法在工程中的应用
- The Application of Huffing Sediment and Jet Churning on the Flaw Pile Foundation Treatment 高压旋喷注浆法在缺陷桩基处理中应用的一般原则
- DX pile is a new-style pile foundation. DX挤扩灌注桩是一种新型的桩基础。
- pile foundation treatment 桩基处理
- The long-shot pile foundation is a new type of foundation. 因此,为安全地推广和不断发展这种新型基础,有必要对其工作性状进行系统研究。
- Also a Discussion on Foundation Treatment and Foundation Design. 也谈地基处理与基础设计。
- This article introduces the main geotechnical problems about pile foundation for wharves and ground treatment for land reclaimed area. 该文介绍了码头区域桩基工程和陆域形成区域地基处理方面的主要岩土工程问题。
- Combined with geologic situation and according to the problems in cement injection pile construction the foundation treatment plan of polypropylene geotextilestrips is proposed. 结合地质情况,针对水泥粉喷桩施工中的问题,提出了使用聚丙烯土工带的地基处理方案。
- Combined with geologic situation and according to the problems in cement injection pile construction the foundation treatment plan of polypropylene geotextile strips is proposed. 结合地质情况,针对水泥粉喷桩施工中的问题,提出了使用聚丙烯土工带的地基处理方案。
- Design and Construction of Pile Foundation in a Rich Water Fault Zone. 富水断裂带上桩基设计与施工。
- Adopting sand pile, plaster pile and cement pile and etc to deal with soft and weak foundation which becomes compound foundation is a common method in foundation treatment. 采用砂石桩、灰土桩和水泥土桩等处理软弱地基,形成复合地基,是地基处理中常用的一种方法。
- The foundation of this design is prefabricated ferroconcrete pile foundation. 本设计的基础采用预制钢筋混凝土桩基础。
- Karst cave grouting and churning pile are effective for the foundation treatment in multi-karst cave areas, and steel pipe pile in highly karstified bedrock areas( especially in multilayer-caves). 溶洞灌浆和旋喷桩对多溶洞地基处理效果明显,而钢管桩适用于基岩岩溶强烈发育(别是多层溶洞)地基处理。
- Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Treatment of Soft Soil, Analyses and Disposal about Earthquake Liquefaction of Foundation Soil, Observation and Detection of Geotechnical Engineering (especially for Pile Foundation) etc. 岩土工程勘察、软土地基处理、地基土地震液化分析与处理、岩土工程监测与检测(特别是桩基检测和试验)等。
- Soil cement mixing pile has been used on soft soil foundation treatment and foundation pit bracing,however,the strength of soil cement mixing pile is low and its bearing capacity is not high. 常用的水泥土搅拌桩复合地基和挡土墙在软土地基加固和基坑围护工程中普遍应用,但是水泥土搅拌桩的强度较低,因此承载能力不高。
- This would be the prime concern for consideration of the pile foundation alternative. 这是选用桩柱地基所须考虑的首要问题。
- The paper introduces the practical example of the foundation treatment using boring cast-in-place steel pipe pile for the 5318 engineering station of Gansu Broadcasting Television Bureau. 该文介绍了甘肃省广播电视厅5318台机房地基采用钻孔灌注钢管桩处理的工程实例。