- permuted on subject headings 主题词轮排
- Scrying[F]: Spies on subject from a distance. 探知术:从远处窥探受术者的行动。
- Is indexed with Library of Congress Subject Headings. 与国会图书馆的主题标目一起加以索引。
- You 'd better look under the subject heading. 您最好在主题栏下找。
- Choose a descriptive subject heading. 选择适当题目。
- Use a descriptive and informative subject heading. 使用突出主题内容的标题。
- You'd better look under the subject heading. 您最好在主题栏下找。
- Methods: Reference lists of the articles were identified from CMCC (1997 to 2007) with subject headings of CGN. 方法:通过中文生物医学期刊文献数据库、中国期刊网计算机检索系统检索1997-2007年的相关文献,采用加权百分率法进行荟萃分析。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她将头依偎在他的肩上。
- Subject headings: array signal processing / MIMO systems / blind source separation /higher order statistics / homotopy. 对于搞MIMO系统盲识别的同学有较大帮助。
- It also produces special reports on subjects of interest to the government. 同时也就政府关注的事项,编写专题报告。
- Just select one of the pre-defined subject headings and type in your enquiry or message. It saves you time and all the mailing and postage hassles. 选择一个预先定义的标题,再键入您要查询的内容或留言即可。这样不但节约时间,还能免除您繁琐的邮寄之累。
- Many blacks and Hispanics cannot borrow money from banks on subjective grounds. 许多黑人和西班牙人因为他人的主观偏见而不能从银行贷款。
- The access points of the western language books mainly include: ISBN,responsible authors,titles,subject headings,class number, etc. 讨论了ISBN、责任者、题名、主题词、分类号等检索点的著录。
- This trio so, on subjective assessment of Menger's most valued role. 而这三人中,又以门格尔最为看重主观评价的作用。
- This calendar provides the course's lecture and recitation topics, organized under general subject headings, and links to corresponding assignments. 本课程表提供了课程讲义和阅读作业,按科目的标题排列,并有相关的作业安排的链接。
- In library science, a subject heading or descriptor in an index. 在图书馆学中,索引中的主题标题或关键词。
- He gave the little boy a clout on the head. 他在那小男孩的头部打了一下。
- Gives listings of both accredited and unaccredited colleges under various popular subject headings - cookery, business, technology, performing arts etc. 按多种热门学科,诸如厨艺、商务、技术、表演艺术等列出的被认证的和未被认证的学院名单。
- Study on subjective annoyance and control method of indoor low-level and low-frequency noise and it's control. 室内窄频带低频噪声烦恼度与治理对策研究。