- Imagine all the people sharing all the world. 想像全人类分享一切。
- Over one billion people share that plight. 面临这个不幸境遇的人在10亿以上。
- In Tonga people share what they've got, even cash. 汤加入共享他们所获得的东西,连现金也不例外。
- These people share an identity of interests. 这些人的利益一致。
- I believe that two people sharing a pear are not good. 我觉得两个人分梨是不好的。
- Therefore,people sharing the same name wi not be affected. 因此,不能同时杀害同名同姓的人。
- These nouns denote a group of people sharing an interest or activity. 这些名词代表了有同一兴趣或活动的一群人。
- One of three people sharing public administration or civil authority. 三人领导小组之一共同管理公共事务或享有民政权威的三个人之一
- Meanwhile bears and people share a taste for salmon. 而熊与人都喜欢鲑鱼。
- People share food and do miracles with what they have to survive. 人们分享食物,为了生存创造奇迹。
- Help people share mood with art. Achieve quality life with fair price artwork. 帮助人们分享心情,以平价艺术实现优质生活。
- This email is Bcc to all on my list so people share the inspiration story. 此电邮以密件传给我名单中所有的人以便大家得以分享这个感应故事。
- A Native American people sharing reservation lands with the Pima in south-central Arizona. 马利柯帕族在美国亚利桑纳州中南部和皮马人共同拥有保留地的土著印第安人
- One habit naturally slim people share is their ability to stay in motion. 人们自然减肥的习惯之一就是他们保持运动状态的能力。
- The workspace is light and airy and built around the concept of working in teams, people sharing offices and cubicles connected in groups. 工作区是明亮而通风的,建造在团队合作理念的氛围下。人们共享相连在一起的办公室和小卧室。
- Of or relating to sizable groups of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage. 种族的,人种的属于或关于相当大规模人的群体的,群体中的成员拥有共同的和独特的种族的、民族的、宗教的、语言的或文化的遗产
- BSA terror campaign in Argentina in 2001 made slightly-veiled threats that people sharing software would be raped. 在阿根廷,2001年的一场BSA的恐怖运动,暗地里威胁人们共享软件可导致被强奸。
- A commune was a community of people sharing possessions, living accommodations and work (or lack thereof). “公社”就是人们分享财富、住所、共同劳动(或根本不劳动)的社区。
- Too many people attended the presentation so that some people shared one chair. 去参加那个介绍会的人太多了,以至于只能几个人挤一张椅子。
- Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, imagine all the people Sharing all the world. 想象世上没有私人财产,我怀疑你能否做到,没有贪婪或饥饿的需要,人类情同手足。想象世上全体人类,共享着这个世界。