- papilloma conjunctivae 结膜乳头(状)瘤
- Papilloma refers to a benign epithelial tumor. 什么是'膀胱乳头状瘤-良性膀胱肿瘤'?
- Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva. 结膜炎是结膜的炎症疾病。
- Several live worms were found in his conjunctiva sac. 后来在门诊中发现结膜囊里有数只活寄生虫。
- Result: Intraductal papilloma or papillocarcinoma was found in all patients. 结果:发现乳头状瘤55例,乳头状癌6例。
- Objective:In order to find a better way to treat recurrent laryngeal papilloma. 目的:研究治疗复发性喉乳头状瘤的方法。
- Homologous conjunctiva and limbus transplantation for ocular chemical burn. 眼化学伤异体结膜联合角膜缘部移植术。
- Must not go to briny lane in the eye, lest cause eye conjunctiva loss. 千万不要把盐水弄到眼睛里去,以免造成眼结膜损伤。
- Objective To evaluate the advantages of pterygium resection under conjunctiva. 目的评价结膜下翼状胬肉切除术的优点。
- Excisional biopsy was performed and histopathologic examination reported an inverted papilloma. 在术中发现在泪囊及泪管中有一软组织肿瘤。
- Detection and typing of human papilloma viruses in juvenile pharynllaryngeal papillomatosis. 小儿咽喉乳头状瘤组织人乳头瘤病毒检测及型别分析。
- Purpose: To report two cases of rare primary lacrimal sac tumor-one of inverted papilloma and the other of hemangiopericytoma. 摘要目的:提出两例罕见的上皮性和非上皮性泪囊肿瘤报告。
- Inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by redness and often accompanied by a discharge. 结膜炎结膜发炎,症状是出现红肿并伴有眼泪
- Objective To analyse the X-ray characteristics of the intraductal papilloma and to improve the diagnostic accuracy. 目的分析乳腺导管内乳头状瘤的X线特征,以提高其诊断准确性。
- The vaccine targets human papilloma virus (HPV), which is widespread in the population. 粗略地估计一下,每年世界范围内约有500000名妇女会患上子宫癌。
- Inflammation of the conjunctiva is characterized by redness and often accompanied by a discharge. 结膜发炎的症状是出现红肿并伴有眼泪。
- The other 32 cases were benign lesion,in which there were 6 fibroadenoma ,5 microcyst,1 intraductal papilloma,18... 良性病变32例,其中纤维腺瘤6例,显微囊肿5例,导管内乳头状瘤1例,导管扩张2例,囊性增生18例。
- Extreme dryness and thickening of the conjunctiva,often resulting from a deficiency of vitamin A. 干眼病由于缺乏维生素A而引起的严重的眼球干燥和结膜增厚
- Objective To study the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of inverted papilloma of the bladder(IPB). 目的探讨膀胱内翻性乳头瘤(IPB)的发病特点及其诊治方法。方法回顾性分析24例IPB的临床资料。
- HPV, the human papilloma virus, is a cause of genital warts and cervical cancer. 人类的乳突淋瘤病毒是导致生殖器和子宫颈瘤的病毒。