- optimal allocation of funds 资金优化配置
- Management of funds must be strictly controlled and allocation of counterpart funds must be ensured. 五是严格资金管理,保证配套资金到位。
- Countermeasures on the optimal allocation of urban health resources Yuchun Huanga, Xiaojun Qiangb Abstract As. 城市卫生资源合理配置的对策思考。
- The allocation of funds for research projects does not fall within the competence of this committee. 研究规划资金的分配不属于这一委员会的权限。
- Optimal allocation of property right plays a vital role in solving the problem of commons tragedy. 产权最优配置对于解决上述公地悲剧有着重要的意义。
- To determine the optimal allocation of fertilizer in this situation, it is necessary to know the relative size of the MPP of potash in all regions. 在这种情况下,为了肥料分配最优化,需要知道所有地区钾肥边际产量的相对大小。
- A new approach for optimal allocation of sectionalizing switches and loop switches in distribution networks is presented. 提出一种配电网分段开关和联络开关的数量和安放位置的优化规划方法。
- Participate in important decision-making on utilization and allocation of funds, loans guarantee, foreign investment, transfer of property rights, assets reconstruction of etc. 参与公司资金使用和调度、贷款担保、对外投资、产权转让、资产重组等重大决策活动;
- Used, for example, in reference to allocation of IBRD funds to IDA where these funds are drawn down only after all other sources of funds have been used. 如国际复兴开发银行向国际开发协会拨转的资金,国际开发协会只能在其他来源的资金用尽之后,才能使用这些资金。
- The design of models for complex problems concerning the optimal allocation of available resources and the application of mathematical methods for solving those problems. 涉及可用资源最佳分配这类复杂问题的模型设计,以及运用数学方法解决那些问题的一门学科。同operationsanalysis。
- In a multi-sensor, multi-target surveillance system, the optimal allocation of targets to sensors is a key subject in the research of multisensor management. 在多传感器对多目标的监视环境下,传感器对目标的优化分配是传感器管理的重要研究内容。
- Lapin personnel to the county government departments to coordinate placement, there are difficulties for the proper allocation of funds for state management center for certain compensation. 对落聘人员,由各县市政府协调有关部门进行安置,安置确有困难的由州管理中心适当划拨经费给予一定的安置补偿。
- Owing to lack of funds, the scheme fell through. 由于缺少资金,这项计划失败了。
- This paper is a continuation of[1]. In this paper the optimal( capacity) of memory for cyclic type systems, and the optimal allocation of maintenance capacity for diplex CPU are studied. 本文是[]继续。文[]研究了公用型存取方式的最优内存容量。设计中还考虑了循环型(下节)存取方式。这种方式的优点是对硬件要求低。本文研究了循环型存取方式的最优内存容量及其有关问题;还研究了双机工作维修能力的配置问题。本文沿用[]定义和记号,不再一一赘述。
- The project was hamstrung by lack of funds. 这个计划因缺乏资金而难以实现。
- This paper presents an economic approach to scheduling tasks for multi computer servers,which is based on equilibrium theory and realizes the optimal allocation of resources by the pricing mechanism. 本文针对多机服务器提出了一种任务调度的经济学方法 :以一般均衡理论为基础 ,依靠价格机制实现资源的优化分配 ;
- He always bemoans the shortage of funds for research. 他总是叹息研究经费不足。
- EC should ban any government allocation of funds, issue of land titles and so on, during campaign period because these are blatantly unfair and unashamedly used by BN at every election. 在这次补选中,若投票结果显示华裔选民的反对票大增或者投票率大减,这将反映马华和民政无法说服华裔选民把票投给巫统候选人,届时两党不仅颜面大失,还必须向国阵作出交待。
- This paper is a continuation of[1].In this paper the optimal( capacity) of memory for cyclic type systems, and the optimal allocation of maintenance capacity for diplex CPU are studied. 该文提出的认证系统采用指纹和智能卡双重认证技术,安全性高,认证过程不需要传递用户指纹信息,保护了用户的隐私。
- The strategy is a two-step process, the allocation of the minimum power required to achieve the minimum rates and the optimal allocation of the excess power to maximize the ergodic rates. 策略分为两个步骤:第一步分配给每个用户所有信道状态下,保证最小速率的最小功率;