- An independent school is not controlled by the state. 独立的学校不受政府的控制。
- This type of inheritance is not controlled by Mendel's laws. 把细胞质基因所决定的遗传现象和遗传规律称为细胞质遗传。
- Red-dots does not control the information provided by other Users which is made available through this Site. 点点红不能控制其他用户透过本网站所提供之资料。
- He is easily controlled by others so we think he's a man of straw. 他很容易被别人控制,因此我们说他是一个很弱的对手。
- Many things in nature are not controled by Human. 在自然界中许多情况是人类无法控制的。
- The theory that the body is a machine whose functions are accompanied but not controlled by consciousness. 机械行为论,一种把人体比做机器,认为其功能由意识伴随但不是由意识控制的理论。
- Profit that occurs unexpectedly as a consequence of some event not controlled by those who profit from it. 盈利活动中收益人控制外的意外收入。
- We will be more and more a stranger to ourselves, since we cannot control ourselves but instead are controlled by our desires! 越来越变成陌生,越来越不知道怎么控制自己,都被那些欲望控制了!
- With automation the machines either operate themselves or are controlled by other machines. 随着采用自动化,机器或者自行运转或者由其他机器控制。
- For then we will realize that our lives are not controlled by the whims of fate, but by ourselves, by our own actions, and by our own willpower. 因为那时我们会意识到,我们的生活不是由莫测的命运控制的,而是由我们自己,我们自己的行动和意志力控制的。
- But for a long run, NGOs also are appendages which are controlled by other international subjects. 这就为非政府组织的国际国内活动提供了良好的条件。
- Students of economics have to avoid the error of thinking that a price mechanism must work chaotically if it is not controlled by somebody. 经济学学生必须避免一个错误思想:在不受控制的情况下,价格机制一定是混乱无序的。
- The date that supplier post the stock out is not controlled by me , the things that I can only do is wait for the stock come , immediately post out to all MM . 厂商把货寄出的时间不是由我控制的,我能做的只是等货一到,赶紧把货寄出去。。
- Genetic analysis showed 291S might be a genic male sterile line, its sterility was controlled by a major recessive nuclear gene and was influenced by other minor genes. 遗传分析表明,291S可能为隐性核不育类型,其不育性由一对主效基因控制,还受到微效基因的修饰作用。
- not controlled by others 不致于人
- Although it was not the highest grossing movie, I think it was good enough, since the box office was not controllable by us. 虽然不是全年最卖座的电影,因为票房是不能由我们控制。
- The novel delineates the miserable fate controlled by other people,thus satirizes the unreasonable and ironic living situation. 作品揭示了命运掌握在“他人”手中的悲剧性,反讽了生存处境的非理性和荒诞性,昭示对存在理性的深度呼唤。
- Until a couple of years before, General Young had been undisputed monarch of those parts of Shansi not controlled by the Reds. 杨将军在一两年以前,在陕西那些未被红军控制的地区,还是个唯我独尊的皇帝。
- He did not want himself to be ruled by others. 他不愿意自己受人控制。
- An emulator whose execution is not controlled by a control program ; it does not share system resources with other programs and excludes all other jobs from the computing system while it is being executed. 其执行不受控制程序控制的一种仿真程序,它不同其它程序一起共享系统资源,而且在其执行期间,所有其它作业都被排斥在计算系统之外。