- A Cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye. This lens is normally clear and transparent. 当眼睛内原本清晰透明的晶状体变得混浊,这就是白内障。
- Thus, the exporter should normally clear the goods for export, while the importer should clear the goods for import. 因而,此出口商当通常地清关此货物待出口,即时此进口商当清关此货物待进口。
- At the same time the entire city seemed to tilt radically to one side, the normally clear skies tainted with smoglike roilings of clouds. 与此同时,整座城市似乎要翻倒到某一边去,通常晴朗的天空被烟雾般的云搅浑了。
- In Lower Blackrock Spire you want to stealth wow gold to the right in the same manner as you would normally clear the dungeon. 误会,总车里,生气的嘟着嘴没理他,短信可以说的很绝情无义,可一看到,心里又软化了,实在是没办法。
- This disorder affects 60 percent of people older than 60 and occurs when the normally clear, aspirin-sized lens of the eye starts to become cloudy. impairing vision. 60岁以上的人群,有60%25受到白内障的影响,发病以眼睛中阿司匹林大小的清澈的晶状体变得混浊,伴有视力下降为开始。
- Roadside gullies are normally cleared manually once every two weeks. 路边的沟渠一般每两星期以人手清理一次。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去纽约的来回票标准价是56元。
- Everything is absolutely normal. 一切完全正常。
- This case is not amenable to the normal rules. 这件事经不起常规的检验。
- The doctor said the child's temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常。
- A condition of normal body temperature. 正常体温体温正常的状况
- Normal firmness of a tissue or an organ. 健康状态某个组织或器官所具有的正常坚韧性
- Less than the normal ability to respond to stimuli. 敏感减轻对刺激反应能力低于正常水平
- The bus service have returned to normal after the strike. 罢工结束後公共汽车恢复了正常的运营。
- Loss or removal of normal pigmentation. 褪色丧失或转移正常的着色
- She refused to conform to the normal social conventions. 她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。
- The disease shuts the boy off from most of the activities of normal children. 疾病使这个男孩不能参加正常孩子的大部分活动。
- The rain raised the river two meters above normal. 雨水使得这条河水位超出标准两米。