- musculi glutaeus medius [医] 臀中肌
- musculus glutaeus medius 臀中肌
- glutaeus medius gait 臀中肌步态
- musculi glutaeus maximus [医] 臀大肌
- musculi glutaeus minimus [医] 臀小肌
- glutaeus medius muscle 臀中肌
- Results:through the experiment,the myodymnamia of hip joint of GMFC were found decreased by 62%,the musculus glutaeus maximus medius and mimius respectivsly decreased by 17%,37% and 60%. 结果:发现臀肌筋膜挛缩症髋关节力下降62%25,臀大肌、臀中肌、臀小肌力分别下降17%25,37%25及60%25。
- musculi constrictor pharyngis medius [医] 咽中缩肌
- It was found that the left gyrus temporalis medius as well as the left gyrus fusiformis were activated by both Chinese and English stimuli. 研究发现,1)中、英文刺激在左侧颞叶中后部及相邻的梭状回激活的脑区非常相似,该脑区可能与语义信息的存储有关。
- Release gluteus medius muscle?gluteus minimus muscle?piriformis muscle in serious 6 cases (3 patients). 对严重的3例6臀,同时行臀中肌、臀小肌、梨状肌松解。
- When speaking musculus glutaeus maximus to inject, "The method that law of 10 " word locates? 说出臀大肌注射时,"十"字法定位的方法?
- Conclusion The parameters can be used as the basic elements in the diagnosing the musculi diseases. 结论提供正常胸大、小肌声像图的形态、大小、肌肉的回声,正常胸大肌的超声图像及数值,可作为病变诊断的基础参数。
- The lateral approach is essentially dependent upon elevation of the insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus. 外侧入路主要依赖于臀中肌和臀小肌止点的剥离。
- The abdomen is anxious, is you contracts the musculi abdominis to create intentionally, why can you like this? 腹部紧张,是你故意收缩腹肌造成的,你为什么要这样呢?”
- The anterolateral approach utilizes the interval between the tensor fascia and the gluteus medius. 前外侧入路利用了阔筋膜张肌和臀中肌之间的间隙。
- Conclusion The partial excision of musculi puborectalis is the method which h... 结论耻骨直肠肌部分切除术治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征方法简便,疗效好,并发症少。
- Finishing all getting on, in the movement of next footplate, active flesh is ham (quadriceps) reach coxal muscle (musculus glutaeus maximus) . 由于踏板的使用,动作内容大大增加,比如原来简单的踏、点可变成上下板;
- Lift after, extend after the leg namely, exercise muscle of rope of country of musculus glutaeus maximus, month group etc. 后举,即腿后伸,锻炼臀大肌、月国绳肌群等。
- Iatrogenic injuries to the superior gluteal nerve and the gluteus medius muscle are the most likely contributing factors. 医源性损伤臀上神经和臀中肌是最有可能的原因。
- Non-monotone curve of the musculi skeleti is divided into two parts at the turning point between monotone increasing and monotone decreasing. 在骨骼肌非单调变化曲线的单调增与单调减变化的转折点处分段,分别建立灰模型。