- Plastic and rubber are the main ingredients of Municipal solid waste (MSW). 塑料和橡胶类的废弃物是城市垃圾的重要组成。
- Incineration is an effective way to solve the problem of municipal solid waste. 焚烧处理是解决日益增长的生活垃圾的有效方法。
- Hickman HZ, Jr Turner WD. Thermal Conversion for Municipal Solid Waste[M]. Noyes, 1984. 张震天.;垃圾焚烧炉中炉排系统的研究[J]
- Degradable plastics gain momentum as potenial solutions to garbage,marine pollution and municipal solid waste disposal. 可降解性塑料是解决垃圾、海洋污染和城市固体废弃物处理的可靠办法。
- Nowadays incineration is gradually being used to dispose municipal solid waste(MSW)in China. 采用焚烧法处理城市固体垃圾,在我国正逐渐得到推广和应用。
- Solid waste disposal equipments: municipal solid waste incinerator, waste trommel, and so on. 聚丙烯酰胺、聚合氯化铝(铁)、聚合硫酸亚铁等水处理药剂。
- The treatment of municipal solid waste(MSW)is a big problem in the city development. 城市生活垃圾处理是城市发展中的一大难题。
- J.Rodriguez Iglesias, et al.Biomethanization of Municipal Solid Waste in a Pilot Plant.Wat. 孙玥.;垃圾填埋场渗沥水水量平衡的机理和实验研究
- Odor pollution has become a serious public hazard in the process of municipal solid waste( MSW) treatment and disposal. 恶臭污染已成为垃圾处理和处置过程中的严重公害。
- LCA is a useful tool to improve municipal solid waste management and reduce municipal solid waste. 生命周期评价框架的建立有助于改进城市垃圾管理,是减少城市垃圾产生的有用工具。
- Landfilling is the most important controlled method for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal. 填埋是处理城市固体废弃物(MSW)的主要方法。
- RCRA directs most of the responsibility for active municipal solid waste management to state and local governments. RCRA承担着指导州和当地政府行动的大多数责任。
- By 2006,some 12 000 tonnes of municipal solid waste,an increase of some 40 percent over the 1996 figure,will require collection and disposal each day. 到了二零零六年,每日要收集和处置的都市固体废物,将高达约12000公吨,较一九九六年增加约四成。
- Here you can learn about what municipal solid waste is, how significant our waste problem is, and how the Government tackles the problem. 本文将介绍何谓都市固体废物、废物问题的严重程度,以及政府处理这个问题的措施。
- With regard to the environment, the water quality, and the recycle rate of municipal solid waste were better than those in the previous year. 环境方面,本港的水质及都市固体废物循环再造也比前一年改善。
- Municipal solid waste (MSW), sewage dewatering sludge (SDS) and drain sludge (DS) are the main pollutant problem in modern cities. 城市垃圾和污水脱水污泥、排水管污泥已成为现代城市污染的主要问题。
- In the present study, a down-draft gasifier is applied to treat municipal solid waste (MSW) in Guangzhou City through air gasification. 使用下吸式气化炉对广州城市生活垃圾进行了空气气化实验,并对燃气成分、焦油含量和灰渣重金属含量进行了分析。
- From the view of technology, economy and environment,the co-combustion utilization technology of coal with municipal solid waste in FBC was analyzed. 从技术、经济和环保等方面,对于煤与垃圾在流化床中的混烧利用技术进行了比较详细的分折。
- The advancements in study on formation mechanisms of dioxin in municipal solid waste (MSW) incinerators have been completely presented. 摘要全面介绍垃圾焚烧炉中二恶英生成机理的研究进展。
- Wei Z M,Wang S P,Xi B D et al.Effect of P-enriched municipal solid waste compost on nutrient accumulation[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2006,12(2):282-284. [8]魏自民;王世平;席北斗;等.;富磷垃圾肥对大豆营养及产量品质的影响[J]