- His word is long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- His words were long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- His words are long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- multilevel in series 多级串联
- Be careful to install batteries in series. 要注意,所有电池应装成串联。
- How do you account for these accidents in series? 对于这一连串的事故你怎么解释呢?
- His word is long enough to run in series . 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- How do you account for all the accidents in series? 你怎么解释这接二连三地发生的事故呢?
- A set of pictures simulating movement when played in series. 连续播放的一组图片。即:动画。
- Each point should be connected to the next in series by a line. 每个点都应该通过一条线连接到级数中的下一个点上。
- All the CSIs move to the new office in Series 2 of CSI: NY. 纽约警局的一班鑑证组探员,于第二辑搬到新的办公室,给人焕然一新的感觉。
- Piping all of the channels in series is often the best solution. 在所有的通道里布置上冷却管常常是最好的方案。
- Provide user with either regularity as in series, or novelty. 向使用者呈现序列的规则性或者是新颖性。
- In Serie B, Juventus leapfrog up to 10 points and 12th place. 在乙级;尤文已经获得10个积分;排在第12.
- It would be necessary to connect a limiting resistor in series with the lamp. 须用一个限流电阻同灯泡串联起来。
- Set-up and evaluate quality tests in series production and arrange samples. 建立和评估系列产品的质量测试体系并完成样品的整理;
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Animation A set of pictures simulating movement when played in series. 动画一组图片按照顺序播放达到模拟动作的效果。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。