- multi factor insulation system 多因素绝缘系统
- Exterior insulation system of granite decorated with coating is described. 介绍了花岗岩涂料饰面的外墙外保温体系。
- Multi factor flow chart(MFFC)and multi level document(MLD)are used to represent the process knowledge in this method.The whole acquiring process is from generalization to detail. 该方法使用了多因素流程图 ( MFFC)和多层次文本 ( MLD)两种工具对过程性知识进行表示。
- The product was largely used in EPS and XPS exterior wall and exterior insulation system, worthy of popularization. 该产品大量应用于EPS和XPS外墙外保温工程,技术性能优异,具有推广价值。
- Methods The blood viscosity and serum lipid level of 86 old cerebral infarction patients were detected and the correlativity of clinical multi factor were analysed. 方法:通过测定86例老年脑梗塞血液黏滞度和血脂水平,并进行临床多因素相关性分相反。
- The motor is a dry-running self-cooled type with a non-hygroscopic Class F (155 c) insulation system rated for continuous duty in 40 c ambient liquid with a 1.15 S.F. 所配置的电机是干转自动冷却型、防潮F级(155℃)绝缘系统;在环境流体介质温度达到40℃下;仍能够连续运转;安全系数达到1.;15S
- External wall insulation system with three approaches: extruded polystyrene board, commonly known as XPS boards, or expansion of polystyrene board, commonly known as EPS plate. 外墙保温体系有三种做法:用挤塑聚苯板,俗称XPS板,或者膨胀聚苯板,俗称EPS板。
- Abstract: In a induction motors fed by a PWM voltages sour ce inverter, the insulation system endures much higher stresses, so that its rel iability will be affected. 文摘:与电网供电相比,变频器供电的异步电机绝缘系统承受了更高的应力,因而有必要以新的标准对变频电机的绝缘系统进行重新考虑。
- Surface flashover phenomena in vacuum restrict the overall performance of insulation system, which seriously limits the development of high voltage electro-vacuum devices. 长期以来沿面闪络现象一直制约着真空绝缘系统的整体性能,极大地限制了高压电真空设备的发展进程。
- Improving the fireproofing property of external wall insulation system cannot only relay on flame-spread retardancy,but the whole safe structure of the building system. 在目前条件下,提高建筑外墙保温体系防火安全性,应从体系防火构造措施入手,而非一味追求保温材料的高阻燃性。
- This seemingly insipid story, however, explores multi factors, of which ethical color is the most salient one. 这部看似平淡无奇的小说,包蕴着作者多元化的探索因素,伦理色彩即是颇为突出的一个方面。
- The re-dispersible emulsion powder is a key component for playing the role of gelation in EPS thermal insulation mortar of external wall insulation system. 可再分散乳胶粉是EPS颗粒保温砂浆外墙外保温体系中起胶凝作用的主要组分。
- In a induction motors fed by a PWM voltages sour ce inverter, the insulation system endures much higher stresses, so that its rel iability will be affected. 与电网供电相比,变频器供电的异步电机绝缘系统承受了更高的应力,因而有必要以新的标准对变频电机的绝缘系统进行重新考虑。
- However, the change of OIP/GIP deriving from the variations of the parameters is a form of error transmission from multi factors to their product. 然而从数学角度分析,储量参数变化引起储量计算结果的变化,只是多个连乘因子的误差逐级传递至乘积结果的一种形式,除地质因素外,本身有其内在规律可循。
- In this thesis, the return voltage method (RVM) is introduced to assess the condition of oil-paper insulation system in oil-immersed power transformers. 本文引入回复电压法对油浸式电力变压器的油纸绝缘系统进行老化评估。
- multi factor line regression analyze 多元线性回归分析
- Bodo company is committed to standardized management, we are ISO9001 certified company for five years and has passed UL certification insulation system (B grade, F grade). 对客户,我们提供的不仅是产品,更是全面的技术支持、优良的服务和坚实可靠的质量保证。
- Many old, static, cool insulation systems are still in service after 50 yr. 许多老, 静止, 凉快的绝缘材料系统仍然是在使用中在50 年以后。
- Birefringence is an important optical parameter of nonisotropic crystal , which is determined by multi factors , such as component structure growth condition and wavelength . 双折射率是表征各向异性晶体光学特性的一个非常重要的光学参数,由材料的成分结构以及生成条件等多种因素所决定,并且与波长有关。
- Haitong in a plastic injection plant is mainly of technology-based enterprises, dedicated to the external wall insulation system for anchoring the production and sales. 海通塑料厂是一家以注塑为主的技术型企业,专门致力于外墙保温系统专用锚固产品生产和销售。