- moral intelligence of teacher 师德智慧
- Reduces the intelligence of the cursed adversary. 降低受诅咒敌人的智力。
- The general had secret intelligence of the enemy. 将军掌握了有关敌人的秘密情报。
- Slade: Intelligence of which you have none. 斯莱德:你根本没有那方面的才能。
- She is going to put in for the post of teacher. 她将申请那份教书工作。
- The relation of teacher and student. 老师与学生的关系。
- The general had secret intelligence of the plans of the enemy. 将军掌握了敌方计划的秘密情报。
- I awfully spurn this kind of teacher. 我会非常厌恶的唾弃这种烂老师。
- He is not the material of teacher constitutionally. 他天生不是当教师的材料.
- MIQ (Moral Intelligence Quotient) may determine the level of moral development of a person and how he or she applies moral principles in his or her life. 德商:反映个人的道德水平或其道德对生活的支配能力。
- They received intelligence of an impending invasion. 他们收到消息,说侵略就在眼前。
- The government has been soft-pedalling (on) the question of teachers' pay. 政府一直低调处理教师的工资问题。
- It demonstrated the intelligence of the Chinese working people. 这表现了中国劳动人民的智慧。
- He is the strictest of teachers in our school. 他是我们学校最严格的老师。
- They showcase the swiftness and intelligence of the car. 他们充分展示了该车的敏捷和智能性。
- American Federation of Teachers. 美国教师联合会
- As a first consequence, the intelligence of the teacher is not free; it is confined to receiving the aims laid down from above. 第一个结果是使教师的智慧不能自由;他只许接受上级所规定的目的。
- What's more,lots of teachers have struck too. 此外,大批教师也参加了罢课。
- There are reports of teachers resigning en bloc. 有一些关于教师集体辞职的报道。
- His height alone would disqualify him for the position of teacher. 光是他的身高就使他不适合当老师。