- I referred to my watch for the exact time. 我看了一下手表好知道准确的时间。
- It was difficult to tell his exact age. 很难判断他到底多大岁数。
- She is arrayed in black mini and tights. 她身著黑色超短裙和紧身衣。
- What is the exact size of the room? 这个房间的确切面积是多少?
- I don't know the exact terms of the contract. 我不知道合同的正确条款。
- Offhand I can't quote you an exact price. 我无法立即给你报个准价。
- Her description of the meeting is an exact reproduction of the reunion. 她对会面的描述是这次团聚的真实再现。
- It happened late last century in 1895, to be exact. 事情发生在上个世纪末--准确地说,在1895年。
- The exact date of his birth is not known. 他确切的出生日期无人知道。
- The scholar is an exact thinker. 这位学者思维严谨。
- It was difficult to tell her exact age. 很难说出她的确切年龄。
- The basic design of the Mini has held good for more than twenty-five years. 微型汽车的基本设计已经适用了25年以上。
- I finally managed to exact a promise from them. 我最终迫使他们做出了保证。
- It is impossible to assign an exact date to this building. 确定这座建筑物的确切年代是不可能的。
- DNA fingerprinting can help the police to find the criminals. DNA指纹术有助於警察发现罪犯。
- Mini Style will be just the thing for you. 您留迷你发型很好。
- Clones are two or more Iifeforms that have the exact same gene (DNA). 克隆是完全具有相同基因(DNA)的两个或多个的生命形式。
- Such a mini computer will now be described. 现在将叙述这样一个小型计算机。
- The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute. 事故的真正起因仍有争议。
- I've found a vase that's an exact match of the one we already have. 我找到一只花瓶,和我们已有的那只一模一样。