- I won't mince words (with you): I think your plan is stupid. 我不(跟你)兜圈子,我认为你的计划是胡闹。
- You needn't mince words in your speech. 你不必咬文嚼字。
- You need not mince words in your speech. 你不必咬文嚼字。
- I won't mince words : I think your plan is stupid. 我不兜圈子; 我认为你的计画是胡闹.
- Don't mince words:say what you mean. 不要忌讳:把你的意思直说出来
- Ewan's not one to mince words, after all. 毕竟,伊万说话从不拐弯抹角。
- Don't mince words: say what you mean. 不要忌讳:把你的意思直说出来
- The teacher didn't mince words in telling the students of their poor homework. 老师毫不客气地告诉学生说他们的家庭作业做得太差劲。
- He doesn't fear confrontation and doesn't mince words. 他不怕面对挑战,说话不半吞半吐。
- I won' t mince words ( with you ) : I think your plan is stupid. 我不(跟你)兜圈子; 我认为你的计画是胡闹.
- She didn't mince words - she just told him he was useless. 她没有转弯抹角,而是直截了当地说他这人一无用处。
- Not to mince words,I don't really like you and tolerate your presence only because you're my daughter's friend. 坦率地讲,我不是真正喜欢你,我容你的来访,只是因为你是的我女儿的朋友。
- Not to mince words, I don't really like you and tolerate your presence only because you're my daughter's friend. 坦率地讲,我不是真正喜欢你,我容你的来访,只是因为你是的我女儿的朋友。
- I wish you didn't mince words every time we need to resolve a problem. Just tell me what you think. 我希望每次我们需要解决问题的时候你不要总是闪烁其词。你有话就直。
- You don't need to mince words, just say how you really feel about me getting promoted over you. 你不必就?邓祷埃?直接说出我抢去你升职机会的感受吧!
- McWhorter does not mince words in ascribing the problem to a historically determined defect of American black culture. 弥沃特并没有委婉地将问题归咎于:历史决定了美国黑人文化的缺陷。
- I won’t mince words;I was totally wowed by his collection, which was virtually complete. 不兜圈子,我完全被他的作品征服了,看上去已经都完工了,实际上他已经多做了一些。
- Writer Catherine Lim, who does not mince words, said at a recent Institute of Policy Studies forum that caricatures of politicians are a symbol of a society's political maturity. 敢怒敢言的英文作家林宝音不久前在政策研究院主办的论坛上说,挖苦政治人物的漫画,是一个社会政治成熟的象征。
- No point in mincing words or hiding behind euphemisms. 没必要闪烁其词或者羞羞答答。
- No point is in mincing words or hiding behind euphemisms. 没有必要闪烁其词或者羞羞答答。