- The military vehicles were ambushed. 军车遭到伏击。
- The military vehicles were camouflaged. 军车被伪装起来了。
- Their military vehicles have been camouflaged. 他们的军用车辆都已加以伪装。
- Free parking for military vehicles. 首先,这个英译文不规范,应为。
- This factory produces 10,000 military vehicles every year. 这个工厂每年生产10000辆军用车辆。
- Military vehicles barred all the roads out of the city. 军车封锁了所有出城的道路。
- A line of troops or military vehicles so positioned. 士兵纵列或纵列军车纵列的一排士兵或军事运输车
- Military vehicles were on standby in the area from 6am. 从早上6点军用车辆就严阵以待。
- An area where military vehicles or artillery are stored and serviced. 营场,军需品营地一块停放或维修军用车辆或大炮的区域
- Turbaned men talked agitatedly outside among parked pick - up trucks and military vehicles. 戴着头巾的男子们在停放在旅馆外面的卡车和军车当中激动地交谈。
- One or more military vehicles,boats,ships,or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area. 巡逻部队被派保卫或侦察某一指定地区的军事车辆、船只、舰艇或飞机。
- What you see here in the museum is truly spectacular, with all kinds of military vehicles, airplanes and submarines. 各种各样的战车,还有战斗机,和潜艇。这些让人听起来真是过瘾。
- It left 2 military vehicles burning and a large crater where explosives went off. 在这次伏击事件中,有5人遇难,爆炸现场留下两辆烧毁的军车和一个巨大的弹坑。
- One or more military vehicles, boats, ships, or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area. 巡逻部队被派保卫或侦察某一指定地区的军事车辆、船只、舰艇或飞机
- Caption :For those brave enough, their convoy heads to Agadez in northern Niger flanked by military vehicles. 描述:对那些胆子特大的人,军队会把他们护送到尼日尔北部的阿贾德兹。
- A cavalcade of cars and military vehicles, sometimes topped off by a helicopter, accompanies his every movement. 一些游行的车辆和军用车辆伴随着他的每一个动作,时不时的被直升机镇压。
- Shing Mun: Let trebuchet, siege and other military vehicles attacked the Shing Mun. 城门:让投石机、攻城车等部队攻击城门。
- Bedouin children moved past a column of American military vehicles at the edge of the Euphrates. 贝多因人(一个居无定所的阿拉伯游牧民族)孩子在美军军事车旁边。
- A netizen said: “CNN had cropped the picture, cutting off the part showing rioters attacking military vehicles. 有网民说:“CNN发表图片,却删去暴徒砸警车,这是歪曲事实,是对读者的误导。
- "The terms of the embargo cover not only just the supply of weapons, military vehicles, paramilitary equipment. “禁运的条款不光是包括供应武器、军用车辆、准军事器材,也包括培训任何技术援助。