- medullary coccygeal vesicle [医] 神经管尾泡
- Coccygeal very why does ache have idea? 尾骨很酸痛为什么有办法?
- Therapeutic Strategies for Medullary Carcinoma? 髓样癌的治疗策略?
- Vesicle rose on the hand, very urticant, how to do? 手上起了小水泡,很痒,怎么办?
- Does plaque low need do medullary puncture? ? 血小板低需要做骨髓穿刺吗??
- How did a vesicle grow to do on the hand? 手上长了一个小水泡怎么办?
- Is alms medullary is meeting influence healthy? 捐献骨髓会影响身体健康吗?
- What reason is vesicle growing on the hand? 手上长了小水泡是什么原因?
- Vesicle often rises on the foot, what reason be? 脚上老是起小水泡,是什么原因?
- Cured method is medullary transplanting. 白血病有什么办法可以治愈吗?
- Medullary carcinomas can be sporadic or familial. 髓样癌可以是散在单发,也可以是家族性发病。
- Chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. 肾上腺髓质的嗜铬细胞
- With what method is coccygeal fracture treated best? 尾骨骨折用什么方法治疗最好?
- Vesicle A small vacuole of variable origin and shape. 泡囊:来源不同、形状各异的小型液泡,其内可含细胞分泌产物。
- The descending vasa recta run in bundles into the medulla. 直血管降支呈束状进入髓质。
- A blister,pustule,or cyst filled with fluid or air;a vesicle. 水疱,包囊充气或充水的水疱、脓疱或包囊;水疤
- This car accident hurt his coccygeal vertebra, so it aches every rainy day. 这场车祸伤了他的尾椎,每逢阴天下雨尾椎都会酸疼。
- A blister, pustule, or cyst filled with fluid or air; a vesicle. 水疱,包囊充气或充水的水疱、脓疱或包囊;水疤。
- Blood from the medulla enters short, stout, thin-walled veins. 髓质血流汇入粗而短的薄壁静脉。
- Eggs of "optic vesicle and myotome formation" stage. 眼胞及肌节形成期。