- He was lying prone on the couch fast asleep. 他俯卧在长榻上,睡得很沉。
- The patient was lying prone on the bed. 病人俯卧在床上
- He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep. 他俯卧在长榻上,睡得正香。
- He found Edmond lying prone, bleeding, and almost senseless. 他发现爱德蒙直挺挺地躺地那儿,身上流着血,几乎已失去了知觉。
- There were corpses lying prone there, and phantoms standing erect. 那儿有躺着的尸体和站着的鬼魂。
- I lie prone on your stomach and watch TV with you. Did we? Kind of. 趴在你的肚子上和你一起看电视。
- The victim lay prone without moving. 受害人趴在地上一动不动。
- Each people lie prone on own table, just likes an own scrap world, the book is a fence. 每个人都趴在自己的桌子上,犹如自己的一小块天地,书是围墙。
- Prince sits in there, sees only that lion also to lie prone, with claw Shui Jian on prince's face. 王子坐在那儿,只见那狮子也趴下来,用爪子把水溅在王子的脸上。
- I wanted to go back to Yunnan, I take the train, did not buy tickets, so I was chased in Xi'an. I have to lie prone the truck. 我想回云南到西安被赶了下来。
- When his comrades approached him he was lying prone, holding his wounded stomach with both hands, and rocking himself with a rhythmic motion moaned softly. 走近他,当他的战友躺在容易,他的伤肠胃控股两手抓并以自己的节奏摇摆议案闽南细语。
- Simultaneously I lie prone am letting her lie down in mine carrying on the back, mumbles nearby my ear, finally uses the finger insertion, I really loved. 同时我趴着让她躺在我的背上,在我耳边嘟嘟哝哝,最后用手指插入,我真的爱死了。
- Just now, she chose to drink from the creek, lying prone on the ground, her face half-buried in the water, and this was not because she was thirsty, but because it was a new way to drink. 这会儿,她想要趴在地上,把半个脸儿埋在河水里喝水,这可不是因为她觉得口渴,而是因为这样喝水别开生面。
- The spaniel lay prone on the floor, his long ears draped over his extended front legs. 那只猎獚趴在地板上,长长的耳朵耷拉在伸直的前腿上
- The husband may choose each way to come the fellatio, for instance from behind, from front, lies on one's side or lies prone in the sides of the bed, may. 老公可以选择各种方式来口交,比如从后面,从前面,侧卧或趴在床沿,都可以。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- lie prone on the ground stock-still 趴伏地上纹丝不动
- Stretched out or lying at full length along the ground; prone. 平伸的整个长度伸展或平放在地面上的; 与地面齐平的
- They stepped over his prone body. 他们从他俯卧的身体上踩过去。
- My mother was wrathful with my lying. 我的母亲因我撒谎而愤怒。