- lower mental process 低级心理过程
- The scientific study of behavior and mental process. 心理学是对行为与心理历程的科学研究。
- The mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. 认识力思想过程或认识才能,包括如意识、知觉、推理和判断等方面
- The science that deals with mental processes and behavior. 心理学研究心理过程和行为的科学
- Very odd and very curious, the mental process is, in you men of business! 在你们这些办公事的人身上,那些心理活动真是妙不可言啊!
- Of or relating to such mental processes. 通灵的这种心灵过程的与这种过程有关的
- The big five personality of huaqiao college students with low mental health level were different in SCL-90 factors respectively. 低心理健康水平华侨学生的大五项目都有具体的心理症状表现。
- One is to higher or lower mentality across the board. 一种就是通过提高或者降低心态刻度的设定。
- So,Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways,new concepts,new thoughts,new ideas,the changing of the culture. 所以,“21世纪陆军”的研究确实是一个发现新方式、新概念、新思想、新观点的心理活动过程,旨在改变文化。
- Reading is a kind of social activities and mental process for people to acquire meaning from signs. 阅读是人们从符号中获得意义的一种社会实践活动和心理过程。
- Memory is a complicated mental process , it is the essential condition of intelligence development. 记忆是一个复杂的心理过程,是智力发展的必要条件。
- Perlocutionary act embodies a mental process: implicit (mental act) or explicit (act of behavior). 以言取效行为体现为心智行为过程:隐性的(心智行为)或显性的(有形行为)。
- Every once in a while he would clinch his fingers and tap his foot--signs of the stirring mental process he was undergoing. 但是雪茄烟无法帮他解决那些给他带来痛苦的倒霉事。
- Any mental process which learners make use of in language learning, such as INFERENCING, GENERALIZATION, DEDUCTIVE LEARNING, MONITORING and MEMORIZING. 语言学习者在学习中,如推理、归纳、演绎、学习、监测及记忆时运用的心理过程。
- Now that we know the identity of "x", and a good deal more about him, perhaps we can use the same mental process in helping track him down. 既然我们知道了“X”的身份,而且知道了许多关于他的情况,也许我们可以借助同样的思想方法来追寻他的下落。
- The aspect of mental processes or behavior directed toward action or change and including impulse, desire, volition, and striving. 意动引起包括冲动、欲望、暴力和奋斗等外在行动或变化的心理方面的活动或行为
- This means that we fit out actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. 这意味着我们在不断判断和解释别人的行为的心理过程中进行自己的行为。
- So, Army XXI is really a mental process of new ways, new concepts, new thoughts, new ideas, the changing of the culture. 所以,“21世纪陆军”的研究确实是一个发现新方式、新概念、新思想、新观点的心理活动过程,旨在改变文化。
- This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. 这就意味着,我们的行为要以持续的对心理过程进行评价和解释为基础,来配合其他的人。
- In fact, in the birth of an idea Gemini is better at pontification than direction, but this is a valuable contribution to Libra's mental process. 实际上,在想出一个点子的时候,双子往往更擅长于夸夸其谈而非给出明确方向,而这对天秤的思路几乎毫无帮助。