- low monitor units 低剂量监测计数
- The rapid slide in TFT-LCD panel prices has closed the gap between CRT and TFT-LCD monitor unit prices, resulting in further diminution in global demand for CRT monitors. TFT-LCD面板价格的下滑,拉近TFT-LCD显示器与映像管显示器产品的单价差距,亦加速全球对映像管显示器需求的萎缩。
- Development of Storage Battery Monitor Unit 蓄电池监测单元的研制
- Recently, Fengtai area monitoring unit in the relevant departments to the newly built house on the upper Ping. 日前,丰台城管监察大队会同相关部门,把这个刚刚盖起来的二层小楼推平了。
- TheTUG 4 series temperature monitoring unit is designed to accept up to 16PT100 RTD inputs for the direct measuring of temperatures . 拖船4系列温度监测单位,旨在接受多达16个装Pt100的RTD投入的直接测量温度。
- The writer is Head, Central Banking Policies Research Unit and ASEAN Economies Monitoring Unit at the NTU. He is also a member of the Resource Panel, Chinese newspapers, SPH. 作者是南大中央银行政策研究部主任、南大亚细安经济研究部主任、华文报咨询团成员。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
- The singer forced his low notes. 那位歌手勉强唱出低音。
- The computerized monitoring unit designed by us can work effectively on overall patrol and detect the evironment in response to the emergency to assure of your safety thoroughly. 本公司提供的中央监控主机能有效地监测各位需求侦防的地点,于紧急事故发生时能做出最妥切的应变措施。
- He because of bashful but low head. 他因羞愧而低下了头。
- The ship lay keeled over at low tide. 那艘船因退潮而倾覆。
- Design of the Mobile Monitor Unit for GPS Vehicle Based on GSM SMS 基于GSM短消息的GPS车辆监控移动单元设计
- My home town lies low in a hidden valley. 我的家乡位于一个隐蔽的山谷里。
- Low grades are getting Hellen down. 低分数使海伦闷闷不乐。
- Thus, the intelligent monitoring system can run normally in the whole vacuum drying process by coordinating the communication interface circuit/program, upper monitor control PC and lower monitor PLC. 上位机PC、下位机PLC和现场设备通过通信接口线路及程序进行协调工作,实现整个干燥过程的智能监控和正常运行。
- After a brief rally share fall back to a new low. 股票经过一次短暂回升后回落到一个新的低点。
- The Remote Control for New Control Monitor Unit and Its Realization 机车监控装置远程控制方案及实现方法
- Talking in a low voice were a man and a woman. 低声讲话的是一男一女。
- Judy bent her face low over the notebook. 朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。
- The food should be kept at low temperature. 这种食品应低温保存。