- Law and order is vital to a country. 法律和秩序对一个国家很重要。
- Lay heavy stress on law and order. 主要重点放在法律和秩序上。
- If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮,就会出现无政府状态。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是维护法纪的人。
- Anyone who violates law and discipline must firmly be slapped down. 对于任何违法乱纪的人都必须坚决予以打击。
- The police chief criticize the council's stand on law and order. 警察批评了委员会对法律和秩序的立场。
- There has been a complete breakdown of law and order. 法律与秩序已荡然无存。
- The maintenance of law and order is of vital importance. 法律与秩序的维持是至关重要的。
- The army was called in to restore law and order to the place. 军队被召来恢复该地治安。
- law and eEconomics 法经济学
- There is a weary breakdown of law and order. 法律和秩序或治安严重崩溃。
- Law and morality are the bulwark of society. 法律和道德是社会的防御工具。
- To call in the army to restore law and order. 召来军队以恢复法治和程序。
- He was the guardian of law and order. 他是法律和秩序的维护者。
- This is a bad law and the government should remove it root and branch. 这项法案太糟了,政府应将其彻底废除。
- In America law and custom alike is based upon the dream of spinster. 在美国,法律与风俗习惯一样,是把基础置于老处女的梦想之上。
- Law and equity are things which God hath joined, but which man has put asunder. 法律与平等,是上帝给结合在一起的东西,人却把它们拆开来了。
- Law and order are necessary for a peaceful society. 法律和秩序对于社会安宁是必需的。
- Building a house is hedged about with laws and difficulties. 盖房子受到法律和各种困难的限制。
- The police are the preservers of law and order. 警察负责维持治安。