- We will work towards an environmentally-friendly transport system and an efficient land use pattern to create a more balanced distribution of people and jobs. 我们会发展符合环保原则的运输系统,同时力求土地运用得宜,使人口和就业机会分布更平均。
- Forecast of land use pattern change in Dongling District of Shenyang: an application of Markov process. 利用马尔柯夫过程预测东陵区土地利用格局的变化
- The differences in their ranges of spatial autocorrelation were dependent on their properties,land use pattern,topography and man-made factors. 其空间自相关范围的差异由本身的养分、土地利用格局、地形和人为管理措施等因素所决定。
- There is a high correlation between the GDP and urban land use pattern evolution with the correlation coefficient of 0.931 0,indicating that the economical increase also is a basic power of urban land use pattern evolution. GDP与城市土地格局的相关性很高;系数为0.;9310;说明经济增长也是城市土地格局演变的根本动力。
- Besides, the value recognition of environment and land use pattern are related by using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). 此外并应用正准相关分析,进一步探讨土地使用形态与环境品质评价之间的关系。
- As a result of market failures of unpriced positive and negative side effects in land use, the private optimum land use pattern yielded by market theoretically may differ from the social optimum. 由于非价格的正负作用使市场失灵,土地使用中,理论上由市场产生的最佳使用值可能与社会所需的实际最佳值不同。
- Analyzing the land use patterns at CBD,the authors propose the principles and ideas for parking planning with deferent land use patterns. 对中心商务区(CBD)的土地利用形态进行了分析并在此基础上提出了不同用地形态下中心商务区停车规划的原则和思路
- The state of worsening environment, short nature resources and decreasing plantation necessitates changing the traditional land use patterns of China. 摘要我国环境恶化、资源短缺、耕地减少的严峻形势迫切要求改变传统的粗放型土地利用方式。
- Changes of land use pattern in eastern Shenyang 沈阳市东部土地利用格局变化
- The socioeconomic conditions and topographic characteristics of the two townships were quite different, which in turn led to very different land use patterns. 六龟乡及茂林乡的社会经济特性及地形均有很大的差异,使得土地利用状态亦很不同。
- Environment-friendly land use pattern 环境友好型土地利用模式
- This paper analyzes the severe situation faced by the City of Kunming in regards of urban land use patterns, urban roads, and the amount of cars traveling in the city, with traffic congestion worsened by a high pace of private car increase. 从城市布局、车、路等方面分析了目前昆明市城市交通所面临的严峻状况,而私人小汽车的迅速增长进一步加剧了城市交通的拥挤。
- Research on Land Use Pattern of River Valley in Yuanjiang 元江县河谷区土地利用格局研究
- The Dynamic Change of Land Use Pattern and an Optimization Design 土地利用格局变化及优化设计研究
- Effects of land use pattern on soil in the Loess Plateau of south Ningxia 宁南黄土高原不同土地利用模式对土壤的影响研究
- You can also use pattern matching with conditions. 还可以对条件使用模式匹配。
- Effects of soil type and land use pattern on microbial biomass carbon 不同土壤类型和农业用地方式对土壤微生物量碳的影响
- Land Use Pattern in Transect of the Yangtse River and Its Influential Factors 长江沿线样带土地利用格局及其影响因子分析
- Analysis of Land Use Pattern in Typical River Basins of Shandong Peninsula 山东半岛典型流域土地利用格局分析