a specialized condensed region of each chromosome that appears during mitosis where the chromatids are held together to form an X shape;
"the centromere is difficult to sequence"
用作名词 (n.)
These findings provide insights into the evolution of meiosis and kinetochore regulation during mitosis and meiosis. 这些发现为研究减数分裂以及有丝分裂和减数分裂中动粒调节的演变提供了基础。
The centromere contains the kinetochore, a structure involved in the attachment of the chromosomes to the spindle during nuclear division. 着丝点上包含了着丝粒,着丝粒确保细胞在分裂中染色体与纺锤体的整合,发生有序的染色体分离。
The distal end of the kinetochore tubule is firmly embedded in the pole. 着丝点微管的末端牢牢地埋入纺锤极。
The centromere contains the kinetochore, a structure involved in the attachment of the chromosomes to the spindle during nuclear division. 着丝点上包含了着丝粒,着丝粒确保细胞在分裂中染色体与纺锤体的整合,发生有序的染色体分离。