- White - hot liquid iron is running off through the tapping hole. 白灼的铁水从出铁口流出。
- White-hot liquid iron run off through the tapping hole. 白灼的铁水从出铁口流出。
- White - hot liquid iron runs off through the tapping hole. 白灼的铁水从出铁口流出。
- iron tapping hole 出铁口
- White-hot liquid iron is run off through the tapping hole and then is taken to the converter,open-hearth furnace or electric furnace to be made pure. 炽热的铁水从出铁口流出,然后被送到转炉,平炉或电炉提纯。
- White - hot liquidiron runs off through the tapping hole. 白灼的铁水从出铁口流出。
- White-hot liquid iron is run off through the tapping hole and then is taken to the converter, open-hearth furnace or electric furnace to be made pure. 炽热的铁水从出铁口流出,然后被送到转炉,平炉或电炉提纯。
- At the end of cooking, the cook closed the tapping hole for ashes of the stove to dampen down the fire. 做完饭,厨师把出灰口关上,为使火势减弱。
- At the end of cooking,the cook closed the tapping hole for ashes of the stove to dampen down the fire. 做完饭,厨师把出灰口关上,为使火势减弱。
- Actualization of Dust Collection Design of Tapping Hole and Hot Metal Pitcher of BF. 高炉铁口和铁水罐除尘的实施。
- The process of recovery of refractories for ladle and the application of recovery material in blast furnace tap hole clay are introduced emphatically. 重点介绍对用后钢包浇注料的回收工艺及回收物料在高炉铁口炮泥中的应用。
- The research on tapping hole clay 浅析高炉用炮泥的研究与探索
- Fully overcomes problems such as enlargement of internal threads,and chips curling and breaking.Suitable for tapping holes whose internal threads are exceptionally long. 具有防止内螺纹扩大,防止切屑缠绕、防止缺刃等的功能。尤其适合于内螺纹是深孔的攻牙。
- Body: Hardcoat Anodized, precision machined mounting surface with tapped hole accessible from bottom side. 身体:硬膜阳极氧化,精密加工与螺纹孔安装从底部可接近表面。
- HF Electric Furnace Tap Hole Fillers HF电炉出钢口填料
- AC Arc Welding cut "Frozen" Tap Hole 用交流弧焊机割开冻结的出铁口
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- Preparation of new type of tamped refractory for iron tapping launder 新型铁沟捣打料的研制
- It will take weeks to get all the wrinkle iron out. 解决这些难题得要几周时间。
- Have you any scrap iron knocking about? 你那儿有散在各处的废铁吗?