- A communist by no means goes after individual interests. 一个共产主义者决不追求个人利益。
- You cannot ignore individual interests, but I believe the world evolves slowly. 你不能忽视个人利益,不过我倒认为世界缓慢地进化。
- When individual interests are in conflict with collective ones, the former should make way forthe latter. 当个人利益与集体利益发生冲突时,前者必须服从后者。
- The interests of society are paramount to individual interests, and the two must be brought into just and harmonious relations. 社会的利益绝对地高于个人的利益,必须使这两者处于一种公正而和谐的关系之中。
- Since market economy emphasizing the individual interests, are there meanings to serve the people? and is collectivism still possible? 市场经济强调个人利益,为人民服务还有意义吗?集体主义还行得通吗?
- It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem. 人们可以通过看电视学到读书所能学到的东西。
- On the aim of professional activity, we oppose apposing the unselfish dedication and individual interests, and incline to combine them together. 人们不主张将无私奉献与为个人利益奋斗相对立,而是倾向于将二者有机结合。
- Since market economy emphasizing the individual interests, are there meanings to serve the people?and is collectivism still possible? 市场经济强调个人利益,为人民服务还有意义吗?集体主义还行得通吗?
- Additional, the both sides of cohabitational relation values his own independence and individual interest more. 另外,同居关系的双方更看重自己的自主独立和个人利益。
- It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest. 在一辆巴士上区分礼貌习惯和个人兴趣几乎可以说是一场短暂的遭遇战。
- Legitimacy of cryptic spy derives from conflict and balance of criminal control and individual interest in autonomy. 摘要秘密侦查的正当性,源于犯罪控制与个人自治利益的价值冲突与合理平衡。
- To meet to the individual interests and needs is necessary and benefits to the education, but it should not be overemphasized. 基本思路是对的,但是语言和例证还是需要简练例证需要外国人看懂。
- We should focus on our common interests rather than sacrificing the development of the common market for individual interests. 我们应该着眼于我们的共同利益,不能只为各自的利益而影响共同市场的发展。
- From the abortive cooperation, we can see the basic considerations of the R.O.C. and U.S. based on their own individual interests. 从这一半途而废的合作中,我们可以管窥到中美双方基于各自利益基础上的基本考虑。
- Decorate in the family in, of the straightest contact and consumer individual interest is project cost. 其他栏杆及扶手长度直接按“延长米”计算。
- Schools should display personal merit and avoid personal shortcoming, and so everybody could find out his specialty and individual interests. 学校应显示个人优点,避免个人的缺点,并让所有的人都可以找到了他的专业和个人的利益。
- Because that is that one kind justs think of individual interests, leave the freedom of others' gain and loss alone, consequence its immoral my doctrine since. 因为那是一种只顾个人利益,不管他人得失的自由,其后果是不道德的自我主义。
- Current studies were focusing on maximization of individual interests, cooperation between negotiation condition relaxation technique and dynamic handling of market information. 指出当前的研究重点是针对个人利益最大化,以及松弛协商条件的约束与市场动态信息处理的配合。
- It is more important that they pursue their individual interest, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interest may seem. 更重要的是关注他们如何追求实现自己的兴趣,无论那些兴趣显得是多么的非同寻常和特殊。
- In contrast,the Chinese mediators see the dispute as part of a large context that goes beyond the individual interest and into the realm of the community. 两相比较,可见华族调解人看待争端,不仅着眼于个人的利益,而且将视野放大到社会的范围。