- His name was buried in small print at the end of the book. 他的名字被湮没于书末的小印刷字体中。
- The penalty clause was hidden in the small print. 惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
- Introduction: Games in small print, proposed to play full-screen mode. 游戏字体比较小,建议以全屏模式玩。
- The following statements appeared in small print at the bottom of the advertisement: "All cars plus tax, lic., doc., smog &bank fees. 在广告的最下面位置用小字体写了下述申明:所有的车辆需另付税金,执照费,排气费和银行费。
- I can't read small print without my glasses. 我不戴眼镜看不清小字体。
- I have difficulty in discerning small print. 看小字体有点吃力。
- An astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease. 精明的租户对租契上的每个细小之处都要讲究。
- I prefer to live in small cities. 我更喜欢住在小城市里。
- Make sure you read all the small print before signing. 一定要先看清小号字体印刷部分再签字。
- The rat poison comes in small pellets. 灭鼠药是做成丸状的。
- Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary. 文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有给粗心人设下的陷阱.
- John strained his eyes by reading too much small print. 约翰因看过多的小字体而弄坏了眼睛。
- The psychotherapy is carried out in small interactive groups. 这种心理治疗是在一起活动的小组之间进行的。
- Small print in document can contain trap for the unwary. 文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有给粗心人设下的陷阱。
- His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract. 他的律师们正在审阅合同上的小号字。
- People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain. 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨。
- Small print in document can contain trapfor the unwary. 文件中的小号印刷字体可能藏有给粗心人设下的陷阱。
- Most people can't read small print without glasses when they get on in years. "大多数人一上了年纪,不戴眼镜就看不清细小的印刷字体。"
- Don't strain your eyes by reading such small print. 不要读这么小的字,会累坏你的眼睛的。
- We serve coffee in small or large pots. 我们有大壶及小壶的咖啡。