- The trailhead of TongHou Hiking Trail. 桶后越岭古道登山口。
- Miaoli Community College in 2009 Chunan classes, sword Lake Hiking Trail. 2009年苗栗社区大学竹南分班,剑潭古道健行。
- He came up with the idea of creating a hiking trail from Maine to Georgia. 他提出创建一条从缅因州到乔治亚州的徒步小径。
- Wisdom Path from Po Lin Monastery, follow sign to Tea Garden entrance and then walk along hiking trail for 15 minutes. 心经简林于宝莲襌寺正门,循路牌指示往茶园,由茶园入口沿远足径步行15分钟即达。
- Story: Miaoli Community College in 2009 Chunan classes, sword Lake Hiking Trail. 2009年苗栗社区大学竹南分班,剑潭古道健行。
- A hardy cross-country skier and his dog cross frozen Lake Colden, accessible only by hiking trail even in warmer months. 一名坚强的越野滑雪者与他的狗穿越结冰的湖面。即使是暖和的月份,这里也只能徒步通过。
- The trailhead is right at the other side of the bridge. The trail's condition looked great which was like an extend version of Jiajiuliao Hiking Trail. 经过这座桥后,就是福巴越岭的步道。整条步道的状况看起来很不错,像是加长版的加九寮步道。
- This video introduces the geography, environment, hiking routes, history, features, waterfalls, and animals and plants of the Malaolou Hiking Trail. 介绍麻荖漏山步道的地理位置、环境、登山路线、历史概述、特色概说、瀑布介绍及动、植物生态解说。
- From Po Lin Monastery, follow the directional sign to Tea Garden, then walk along the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for 15 minutes. The Wisdom Path. 前往心经简林,于宝莲禅寺门前,循路牌指示往茶园,由茶园入口沿远足径步行15分钟即达。
- The Wuling area has many natural beauties such as the Wuling Resort, the hiking trail in the Wuling Forest Recreation Area, and the Wuling Suspension Bridge. 包含七加湾溪与国宝鱼樱花钩吻鲑、雪山、武陵四秀等山岳景观、武陵山庄、武陵国家森林游乐区步道、武陵吊桥的景观视野。
- The flooding washed out some hiking trails and footbridges. 洪水破坏了徒步旅行的踪迹和几座人行桥。
- Virgin Islands National Park also offers stunning white-sand beaches and 22 hiking trails. 维尔京群岛国家公园也有极美的白沙沙滩,还有二十二条健行步道。
- There are 22 country parks provided with barbecue sites, picnic sites, camp sites and extensive hiking trails. 本港共有22个郊野公园,约占本港土地总面积40%25,不但设有可供烧烤、野餐、露营的场地,更辟有四通八达的远足径。
- There are 22 country parks provided with barbecue sites,picnic sites,camp sites and extensive hiking trails. 本港共有22个郊野公园,约占本港土地总面积40%25,不但设有可供烧烤、野餐、露营的场地,更辟有四通八达的远足径。
- Yang Ming Mountain has some good hiking trails that are not too strenuous for the kids to climb. 阳明山有些不错的健行步道,小孩去爬也不会太费力。
- Walking and hiking trails are a signature of Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, but beware of the ever-present grizzly bear. 在梦莲湖周围行走或者攀岩已经是班芙国家公园里的特色游之一,但游客需小心这附近曾经出现过的大灰熊。
- Hong Kong has some of the best nature walks and hiking trails in the region where the indigenous wildlife is readily seen. 香港有很多原野步道及远足径,让您轻易观赏到本地的动植物生态。
- Walking and hiking trails are not a signature of Moraine Lake in Banff National Park, but beware not of the ever-present grizzly bear. 在梦莲湖周围行走或者攀岩已经是班芙全国公园里的特点游之一,但观光者需小心这附近曾经呈现过的大灰熊。
- The Anti-rodent Campaign 2006 is launched to conduct anti-rodent control measures in rural areas, such as hiking trails and villages, frequented by visitors. 2006年灭鼠运动展开,在较多游人前往的乡郊地区如远足径及乡村进行灭鼠工作。
- Bluebonnets, the state flower of Texas, grace a hillside in the Dallas Nature Center, a 633-acre (256-hectare) preserve with ten miles (16 kilometers) of hiking trails. 意译:美国达拉斯图片。矢车菊,德克萨斯州的周花,优雅在一个山坡位于达拉斯自然中心,一个633英亩(256公顷)保护区和10英里(16公里)的徒步旅行的小径。