- highly prospective area 富有远景的地区
- Ferganskaya Dolina is an old oil province in Middle Asia, and now still highly prospective in spite of long-term exploration and development. 摘要费尔干纳盆地是中亚地区的一个老油区,虽然经过了多年的勘探和开发,但仍有较大的资源潜力。
- The long-term prospective area of the park is 10,000 mou, with 5,000 mou of detailed programming under control been approved. 园区远景规划面积1万亩,已经批准的控制性详规面积5000亩。
- The offshore area of southwest Taiwan, South China Sea, is the best gas-hydrate prospect area. 南海台西南区是中国南海中天然气水合物赋存的最有利场所。
- This paper presents a new approach named borehole-ground EM to determine hydrocarbon boundary and predict prospective area. 介绍了井中一地面电磁法的基本原理。
- Alternatively exurb planning area of 195.1 square kilometres master plan has been approved and is the first to extend the prospective area zones. 规划面积195.;1平方公里的亦庄卫星城总体规划已获批准,是我国第一家准以扩区的开发区。
- By the working of this research, it is divided into three prospective area, which is the periphery of Houxianyu boron deposit, Fengcheng and Kuandian,. 通过分析研究,划分出营口后仙峪外围、风城和宽甸3个成矿远景区。
- In fact, the Qiangtang Basin is highly prospective in oil and gas, hut hardly exploratory because of complicated geological structures and later modifications in the central Asian Tethys. 从亚洲特提斯域油气聚集地质转征分析,羌塘盆地油气远景毋庸质疑,只是因位于中带地质构造与改造十分复杂,油气远景虽好,但勘探难度相对较大。
- The S/N ratio and resolution of multi-wave multi-component seismic acquisition in Shengli prospect area are both lower several years, so the applied effect is not good. 摘要多年来,胜利探区多波多分量地震采集所得资料的信噪比和分辨率较低,无法取得较好的应用效果。
- It is considered that the Buqu Formation in Gongri area is not only a better oil-gas reservoir with the capability of autogeny and autodeposit, but also a prospective area of oil exploration. 认为贡日地区的布曲组是一个具备自生、自储能力的良好的油气储层,是一个值得关注的石油勘探远景区。
- Conclusion: Ultrasound imaging technology in the diagnosis of retinal detachment has a very high prospects for the use. 结论:超声显像技术在视网膜脱离的诊断方面具有很高的利用前景。
- This method can forecast the resource amount of a prospect area, the scale and possible number of oil and gas pools , and the expioration work load, cost and effect for some resource. 它能预测探区资源量有多少、油气成的规模及可能的数目、为获得某一资源量应投入的勘探工作量、费用与勘探效果等。
- It introduces the method, standard and example of applying the full-spectrum information of airborne gamma energy spectrum to predict prospective areas for uranium metallogenesis. 介绍了应用航空伽玛能谱全谱信息预测铀成矿远景区的方法、标准和应用实例。
- tungsten (tin) ore prospective area 钨(锡)矿远景区
- The maps lay a scientific foundation for researching natural gas geochemistry and predicting the prospecting area of natural gas exploration. 柴达木盆地西部第三系天然气成因类型预测图为柴西地区天然气地球化学研究和天然气勘探有利区带预测提供了科学依据。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- The Zhongwei area of the Helan Mountains is a new prospecting area that was registered by the Shengli Oilfield Company of SINOPEC in August, 2002. 摘要贺兰山中卫探区是中国石化胜利油田分公司2002年8月份登记的勘探新区。
- It's highly probable that they will win the match. 他们很可能会赢这场比赛。
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。