- hard monotonous routine work. 艰苦的单调的日常工作。
- Every newcomer must start from a monotonous routine work. 每个新来的人都必须从枯燥的日常工作做起。
- Tiring or monotonous routine work;drudgery 累人的或单调的例行工作;繁重乏味的工作
- Tiring or monotonous routine work; drudgery 累人的或单调的例行工作;繁重乏味的工作
- Gradually, the computer will relieve man of all monotonous, dull routine work. 计算机将逐渐使人们摆脱单调枯燥的日常工作。
- Gradually,the computer will relieve man of all monotonous,dull routine work. 计算机将逐渐使人们摆脱单调枯燥的日常工作。
- He pegs away at his routine work. 他孜孜不倦地做自己的日常工作。
- Don't get yourself bogged down in routine work. 别让日常事务把你绊住了。
- How do you feel about routine work? 你对日常工作处理怎么样?
- They are in charge of routine work for the company. 他们负责公司的日常事务。
- The routine work is a waste of her talents. 做这样千篇一律的工作,是浪费了她的才能。
- Prolonged routine work dulls the imagination. 长期按部就班的工作会使想象力变得愚钝。
- Assist the sales manager in the daily routine work. 协助部门经理开展日常工作。
- He pegs away at his routine work . 他孜孜不倦地做自己的日常工作。
- They were just doing routine work. 他们那样做只是例行公事。
- Other routine work in CS department. 部门其它日常工作。
- a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape. 无法逃脱的固定单调的常规。
- I got myself bogged down in routine work. 日常事务把我绊住了。
- All this routine work really browns me off. 每天千篇一律的工作真让我讨厌。
- They did that just for routine work. 他们那样做只是例行公事。