- He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops. 他已查出敌军的兵力部署情况。
- They made after the enemy troops. 他们追逐敌军。
- Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops. 我们的坦克团把敌军打得落花流水。
- The enemy troops stormed the castle. 敌军对城堡发动猛攻。
- The enemy troops were hemming us in. 敌军把我们包围了。
- The guerrillas lay up by day, and by night sallied out to harass the enemy. 游击队员们白天隐藏起来,夜晚进行出击,骚扰敌人。
- The enemy troops had a cold realization of their hard situation. 敌军部队对自己所处的困境不寒而栗。
- The enemy troops were bowled out within half an hour. 敌军在半小时之内就失去了战斗力。
- The enemy troops are ready to invade. 敌军准备进犯。
- The enemy troops had been bogged down; supply had not kept up with them. 敌人的部队停滞不前了; 他们的补给跟不上。
- They received the order to harass the enemy's rear. 他们接到骚扰敌人后方的命令。
- The enemy troops were thrown off their feet. 敌军被打得人仰马翻。
- The enemy troops harried the village. 敌人部队洗劫了村庄。
- They rocketed the enemy troops vigorously. 他们用火箭猛烈轰击敌军。
- We disputed an advance of the enemy troops. 我们阻止敌军的推进。
- They received the order to harass the enemy rs rear. 他们接到骚扰敌人后方的命令。
- We dislodged the enemy troops from their positions. 我们把敌军逐出阵地。
- The enemy troops were thoroughly routed. 敌军彻底惨败。
- Our soldiers harassed the enemy. 我们的士兵不断骚扰敌人。
- The surprise attack dismayed the enemy troops. 突然袭击使敌军丧胆。