- Any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring. 酚,羟基类化合物一种芳香的有机化合物,至少含有一个与苯子不直接相连的羟基组
- This allowed them to effectively take part in the work of the conference to which the African Group attached great importance. 这使它们得以有效地参加会议工作,非洲集团对此非常重视。
- Aldehyde A type of organic compound with the general formula RCHO, where the-CHO group (the baldheaded group) consists of a carbonyl group attached to a hydrogen atom. 醛:一种组成为RCHO的有机化合物,--CHO基团(醛基团)是由碳酰基结合氢原子形成的。
- The Hezhe ethnic group attaches great importance to the ethics, which possess distinctive features and constitute an inalienable part of Chinese traditional ethics. 摘要赫哲族是一个极为讲究伦理道德的民族,其伦理道德是中华民族传统伦理道德不可分割的组成部分,而且具有自身鲜明的特点。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。
- The group of barbaric soldiers killed many people. 那群野蛮的士兵杀了很多人。
- A biologically important organic phenol, having two hydroxyl groups attached to the benzene ring. 苯磷二酚生物学上一种重要的有机酚,苯环上有两个羟基群
- The group was made up of doctors. 这个团体是由医生组成的。
- A biologically important organic phenol,having two hydroxyl groups attached to the benzene ring. 苯磷二酚生物学上一种重要的有机酚,苯环上有两个羟基群。
- ADP (adensine diphosphate) A nucleotide consisting of adenine and ribose with two phosphate groups attached. 腺(嘌呤核)苷二磷酸:一种由腺嘌呤和核糖再加上两个磷酸组成的核苷酸。
- A group of boys dashed out of the classroom. 一群男孩子从教室里冲出来。
- I come upon a group of children play in the street. 我遇到一群孩子在街上玩耍。
- He goes about with a group of nice boys. 他经常和一群好孩子在一起玩。
- He is a the most brisk young man in this group. 他是这个小组中最活跃的年轻人。
- He showed me a photo of a family group. 他给我看一张合家欢的照片。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师。
- A choral carbon atom is one that can exist in two different spatial arrangements (configurations). Choral carbon atoms are those that have four different groups attached to them. 一个手性碳原子是能够以两种不同空间结构存在的原子,手性碳原子是有四个不同基团与之连接的原子
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- The amino acids commonly found in proteins have the amino (-NH2) and carboxyl (-COO) H) groups attached to the same carbon atom; these are known as a-amino acids. 通常在蛋白质中的氨基酸其氨基(-NH2)和羧基(-cooH)基团连在同一个碳原子上;这些叫做a-氨基酸。