- A subsidy from a government to an industry. 补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助
- Its first loyalty is to citizens. 新闻首先要忠于民众。
- Money give by central government to local government to help pay for a project. 中央政府为帮助项目所需资金给地方政府的钱。
- Upgrade your settlement to citizen level. 升级您的殖民地到公民水平。
- All this wake the local government to the need for safety precaution. 所有这些使当地政府认识到必须采取安全预防措施。
- They petitioned the government to reduce taxes. 他们向政府要求减税。
- It's time for the city government to clean house. 市政府应肃清贪污已刻不容缓。
- Redevelopment is just another word of self-investment to citizens. 对市民来说,再开发就是要往自己身上花钱。(用消费来促进经济)
- They petitioned the government to abolish hanging. 他们向政府请愿,要求废除绞刑。
- The group tried to force the government to act. 这个团体向政府施加压力迫使其采取行动。
- A series of scandals caused the government to fall. 一连串引起公愤的行为使得政府垮台。
- People are asked by the government to economize on. 政府要求人民节约燃料。
- They drove the Government to printing more money. 他们迫使政府印发更多的钞票。
- They appealed to citizens because they did not demand downpayment. 他们吸引市民大众,是因为他们不收取订金。
- There have been calls for the local government to ban prostitution. 人们不断要求地方政府取缔卖淫。
- The prize draw is open to citizens of the UK and Eire. 该奖项将对英国和爱尔兰的公民开放。
- It's up to the government to uphold the rights of individual citizens. 政府有责任维护各个公民的权利。
- Could you give me directions to Citizen's Boulevard? 你可以告诉我市民大道要怎麽走吗?
- It is necessary for the government to move on the problem. 政府有必要封这个问题采取措施。
- Today with a new democratic government in Jakarta, builders are more responsive to citizens' concerns. 如今雅加达有了新的民主政府,建筑商对市民们所关注的问题不再不闻不问。