- Japan corporate service price index is a measure of Japanese companies for transportation, advertising, communications and other services paid by the general price level. 日本企业服务价格指数衡量的是日本企业为运输、广告、通信以及其他服务所付价格的总体水平。
- Rural General Price Index in Main Years 主要年份农村物价指数
- Do you know the price index in the city? 你知道这个城市的物价指数吗?
- Price Indexes for Rice Price and General Price level 笔者计算的清代以来米价和物价指数
- The price index has been kiting since last year. 从去年开始物价指数就一直在迅速上升。
- The general price level declined by small margin. 价格总水平小幅下降。
- general price index 综合物价指数
- The price index is relatively stable in recently. 这几年物价指数变动情况较为平缓。
- Ex-factory Price Index of Major Industrial Products. 主要工业产品的出厂价格指数。
- Consumer Price Index inflation edged down to 1.8% in March. 通货膨胀率在三月份微降至1.;8%25。
- The income threshold rises with the Consumer Price Index. 收入阈值与消费者物价指数上涨。
- The ratio between export and import price indices. 出口和进口价格指数之间的比率。
- The total amount of consumable retail is expected to rise by 9.5 Per cent, and the general price to be kept stable. 社会消费品零售总额年均增长9.;5%25左右;保持价格总体水平基本稳定。
- In May, the CRB commodity price index shot up by 13.8% from the month before. 5月的CRB(商品研究局)商品价格指数竟比上个月增长了13.;8%25。
- General price impinge upon personal income in the region was around six times economists called bubble zone. 一般房价冲到户均收入6倍左右的区域被经济学家称之为泡沫区。
- After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April. 减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。
- The role of government is to spend less and tax people more in order to reduce consumer demand and thus curtail general price increases. 政府的作用就是减少支出,增加税收,以便减少消费者需求,制止价格的普遍上涨。
- General foreign March 17 reported that the United States in February producer price index (PPI) rose for the second consecutive month, to a certain extent eased the risk of deflation fears. 综合外电3月17日报道,美国2月份生产者价格指数(PPI)连续第二个月上升,在一定程度上缓解了人们对通货紧缩风险的担忧。
- You can trace price indices by the use of the computer. 你可以用电脑查找物价指数。
- Monetary items in accordance with the general price level renumbering accounting statements, it needs to calculate the purchasing power of the currency gains and losses. 货币性项目在按照一般物价水准重编会计报表时,需要计算货币购买力损益。