Several musical compositions make clever use of different gamut, arpeggio (their varieties included) as a means of expressing music. 许多乐曲都是巧妙地运用了各种音阶、琶音和弦和分解和弦(包括它们的种种变体)作为表现音乐的手段。
The training and practice of gamut , semi-gamut, arpeggio etc, play an important part in piano teaching. 在钢琴教学中,音阶、半音阶、琶音、属七和减七和弦琶音、双八度以及双三度等这些技术类型的训练占着重要的地位。
用作名词 (n.)
The exhibition runs the whole gamut of artistic styles. 这次展览包括了所有艺术风格的作品。
Gamut mapping is a key technology for color management. 色域匹配是色彩管理的一项关键技术。
In one minute I ran the gamut of feeling from hope to despair. 在一分钟内,我历经了从希望到失望感觉的种种层面。
Her resonant voice covers the gamut from an emphatic whisper to an..almost Rabelaisian roar.