"keep in mind the dangers of imposing our own values and prejudices too forcibly"
用作副词 (adv.)
Children were taken forcibly from their mothers. 孩子们被强行地从他们母亲身边夺走。
Palmer heads toward the crime scene, and Novick forcibly stops him. 帕默向罪案现场走去,诺维克强行地拦住了他。
His manner reminded me forcibly of his father's. 他说话的样子使我强烈地记起他父亲说话的模样。
The Apostle Paul speaks forcibly on Christian liberty in the book of Galatians.He shatters the legalist with the doctrine of grace. 使徒保罗在加拉太书中,强烈地讲论基督徒的自由,以恩典的教义打破律法主义者的论调。