- flexible abrasive wheel [医] 软磨轮
- Traditional wetting agent often leads to defects in vitrified abrasive wheel. 传统的润湿剂在陶瓷砂轮中存在不可避免的缺陷。
- Grinding is characterizedby the rotating abrasive wheel which is emploved as the cutting tool. 磨削的特点是用旋转砂轮作刀具。
- The problems at the capability of the cutter and quality of abrasive wheel existed in our country were discussed. 就我国切割机的性能和砂轮片质量等方面存在的问题进行了讨论。
- In this paper, diamond coated with corundum was used to fabricate resin matrix abrasive wheel for grinding PCD. 本文探讨了采用刚玉涂覆的金刚石制造树脂基砂轮的方法 ,并对比研究了采用不同表面状态的金刚石所制造的树脂砂轮用于磨削金刚石复合片的实验。
- It can be used for last chamfering in the continuous machine and.replace the abrasive wheel. 直接用于连续磨边线上后级倒角精磨,替代普通碳化硅倒角轮。
- Crack forming is one of the main reject phenomenon for vitrified abrasive wheel. 裂纹是陶瓷砂轮的主要废品现象之一。
- A random supposition approaching to real condition is made on abrasive wheel structure based on the current grinding theory. 在前人磨削理论基础上对砂轮结构做了更接近实际的随机性假设,应用计算机数字模拟技术对磨削全过程进行了模拟,获得了磨削过程和磨削表面的许多重要数据和结果。
- Abrasive wheels must be kept away from water and oil. 不让磨轮沾水和油。
- The technical characteristics and the grinding properties of Quick - point Grinding were analyzed. It is shown that the characteristics are ultra -high grinding speed, thin super abrasive wheel, point grinding and CNC machinin. 分析了数控快速点磨削(Quick-point Grinding)超高速、薄超硬磨料砂轮、点接触和连续轨迹数控成型的技术特征,以及数控快速点磨削工艺的加工性能。
- While repairing of the bearing of MM7132 flat milling machine abrasive wheel axes, the bearings have been repaired on time making use of skillfully the property of the metal material and the craft of heat treatment. 在MM7132型平面磨床砂轮轴轴承的修复过程中,巧妙利用金属材料的性质及热处理工艺,使轴承得以及时修复。
- On the premise of guaranteeing the machining precision and working property of the bearing of abrasive wheel axes, the maintaining cycle is shortened, and the repair cost is reduced. 在保证砂轮轴轴承原有各项加工精度及工作性能的前提下,缩短了维修周期,降低了修复的成本。
- Store tools carefully so that saw blades and abrasive wheels are protected from damage and the cables and plugs are clear of any sharp objects. 认真放好锯片和磨轮防止受损,不让电线和插头受利器的损坏。
- PVA grinding wheels must be trimmed by diamond Trimmer, ceramics abrasive wheels or resin abrasive Wheels before being used. 砂轮须用金刚石修整器、陶瓷砂轮、树脂砂轮进行修整后使用。
- The main characteristics of abrasive wheels include five factors, namely abrasive material, grain size, hardness, structure and bond type. 砂轮的主要特征包括磨料、粒度、硬度、组织个结合剂五个因素。
- An appropriate abrasion wheel microsection shoule be Renewed to sharpen different materials saw blades. 对硬质合金锯片时;只需更换合适的砂轮磨片.
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。
- In the meantime some suggestions were given on the selection of the concentration, grain size an hardness of the ultrafine corundum abrasive wheels. 同时指出了使用中应注意的磨料浓度、粒度、硬度选择等问题;
- Good water resistant bottom drainer •Reversible operation by button control, high density abrasion wheel grin... 型号: BL-1001 .;品牌: 博览
- We need a foreign policy that is more flexible. 我们需要一个更为灵活的外交政策。