- Sulfur is an essential nutrient for plants. 硫是植物的一种重要的营养元素。
- It is an essential nutrient in the diet of mammals. 它是哺乳动物重要的营养物质。
- Royal Jelly is very high in protein and other essential nutrients. 蜂皇浆也含有大量的蛋白质和其它营养成分。
- Which of the following is considered essential nutrient in the human diet ? 下列哪个东西是被人类视为必须的营养成分?
- Increase intake of essential nutrients that are rarely replenished by other meals of the day. 增加必要营养素的摄入,这些营养素在一天中的其它餐次难以补充。
- Source of essential nutrients, including vitamins C, B complex, calcium, phosphate and selenium. 提供必需营养素,包括维他命C、杂、、及硒。
- It may sound trite but it's true: If your diet lacks essential nutrients, it can decrease your ability to concentrate. 这听起来有点迂腐,但是事实:如果你的饮食缺乏必需的营养,就会降低你的注意能力。
- Thus only the metabolizable portions of a feedstuff can provide energy and essential nutrients. 因此,只有饲料的可代谢部分可提供能量和必需的养分。
- Diuretics only offer a temporary solution at best.They force out stored water along with some essential nutrients. 使用利尿剂,充其量只能暂时解决问题,因为利尿剂除了将储存的水分逼出体外,同时也逼出了某些身体必要营养元素。
- A diet history may reveal food faddism, lack of variety, or inadequate or excessive intake of energy and essential nutrients. 通过膳食史可以发现是否是时尚饮食、食物品种是否单一、能量和必需营养素摄入不足或过多等情况。
- Infancy and childhood: Because of the high demand for energy and essential nutrients, infants and children are at particular risk of undernutrition. 婴儿和儿童婴儿和儿童对能量和必需营养素的需要量高,其营养低下的危险性也高。
- Minerals are essential nutrients found in arying amounts in a ariety of foods, including meat, cereals, fish, dairy foods, egetables, fruit and nuts. 矿物质是基本的营养成分,大量存在于各种食物中,包括肉类、谷类、鱼类、奶制品、蔬菜、水果和坚果中。
- The essential nutrients in body can be grouped into 6 categories: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements, vitamins, minerals and water. 人体需要的必需营养素可分成六大类:蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物与微量元素、维生素,矿物质和水。
- Although they are not categorized as a vitamin, dietary lutein &Zeanxanthin are believed to be essential nutrients for normal vision. 虽然它们没有被划分为中维生素类,但是可食用的叶黄素和玉米黄质被认为是正常视力的必要营养成分。
- The wholesome protein sources in lams naturally provide essential nutrients and amino acids for clear eyes and a strong heart . 天然的蛋白质成份,可为猫只提供各种所需养份及氨基酸,帮助保持双眼明亮及心脏强健。
- Water is the most abundant substance in human body and is also an essential nutrient to maintain our health. 水份是体内最多的物质,也是维持身体健康的重要营养素。
- The first method states that the product must contain a certain amount of protein, fat, calcium, and other recognized "essential nutrients" like vitamins and minerals. 第一方法阐明,产品必须包含某一相当数量蛋白质,油脂,钙,并且其他被认可的"根本营养素"象维生素和矿物。
- Minerals are a group of essential nutrients which regulate many body functions such as fluid balance, muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses. 矿物质能调节身体多项功能,包括体液平衡、肌肉收缩及神经讯号传送,是一种十分重要的营养素。
- Potassium is an essential nutrient found in many natural and man-made food ingredients. 钾是在许多天然食品和人造食品成分中存在的一种基本营养素。
- Food Utilization is the proper biological use of food, requiring a diet providing sufficient energy and essential nutrients, potable water, and adequate sanitation. 达到这一标准需要:能提供足够能量和必需营养的饮食、适合饮用的饮水,和充分的卫生条件。