- Some anatomical signs of mental disorders are nonspecific: people with schizophrenia generally have enlarged cerebral ventricles( the fluid-filled spaces deep in the brain), but this abnormality may also occur in people with alcoholism or Alzheimer's. 有些精神疾病的解剖徵象并没有专一性,例如精神分裂症患者的脑室(脑深处充满脑脊髓液的空间)常都扩大了,但是酒精中毒的人与阿兹海默症患者也可能有同样的异常之处。
- enlarged cerebral ventricles 扩大的脑室
- The cortical atrophy leads to compensatory dilation of the cerebral ventricles known as "hydrocephalus ex vacuo". 皮质萎缩导致脑室代偿性扩大,诸如众所周知的脑积水。
- Hypotensive state in endotoxic shock could be partially reversed by naloxone administered into the lateral cerebral ventricles or intravenously. 脑室注射的升压数值略大,维持升压时间也较长。
- A usually congenital condition in which an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cerebral ventricles causes enlargement of the skull and compression of the brain, destroying much of the neural tissue. 脑积水一种通常为先天性的病症,脑内异常积液引起颅骨胀大、挤压大脑,造成神经组织大量损伤
- A usually congenital condition in which an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cerebral ventricles causes enlargement of the skull and compression of the brain,destroying much of the neural tissue. 脑积水一种通常为先天性的病症,脑内异常积液引起颅骨胀大、挤压大脑,造成神经组织大量损伤
- Results: Ependyma was lined in the inner surface of cerebral ventricles, aqueduct and spinal central canal, simple-flattened, cuboidal or pseudostra tified columnar according to its position. 结果:室管膜上皮衬于脑室、中脑水管和脊髓中央管的内表面,不同部位可见单层扁平、立方或假复层柱状各型上皮。细胞游离缘均具有纤毛、微绒毛及分泌泡,但其形态数量因部位而不同。
- Inequality in size of cerebral ventricles 大脑室大小不等
- Methods CSFC from the lumbar puncture and the cerebral ventricle puncture in 13 cases with primary intracranial tumor were checked. 方法对13例原发性颅内肿瘤患者的脑室、腰椎穿刺引流的脑脊液进行细胞学检查。
- Results Before operation,tumor cells found in CSF from the lumbar puncture and the cerebral ventricle puncture were 44.4% and 50.0% respectively. 结果手术前由脑室、腰椎穿刺引流行脑脊液检查确诊的颅内肿瘤患者分别占44.;4%25和50
- Keywords neurocytoma;cerebral ventricles;Immunohistochemical; 神经细胞瘤;脑室;免疫组织化学;
- Keywords Cerebral ventricles;hemorrhage;Urokinase;Plasma; 关键词脑室;出血;尿激酶;血浆;
- How many ventricles of heart does a man have? 每个人有几个心室?
- In adult brain, neurogenesis mainly appears in subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral cerebral ventricle and subgranular zone ( SGZ) in the hippocampus. 成体脑内神经发生的区域主要为侧脑室室下区(subventricular zone, SVZ)和海马齿状回颗粒下区(subgranular zone, SGZ)。
- The house was enlarged with a new wing. 增建的厢房使房屋扩大了。
- Objective To study the distribution of cerebrospinal fluid contacting somatostatinergic neurons in the periventricular area of the third cerebral ventricle in rats. 目的观察大鼠第三脑室室周区是否存在生长抑素样触液神经元。
- Keywords brain tumors;cerebral ventricles;microsurgery; 脑肿瘤;脑室;显微外科手术;
- The factory is enlarged to make room for more machinery. 这工厂被扩大以腾出空间放更多机械。
- Mid-line shift(81%), lateral cerebral ventricle allaxis due to be compressed(67%), plica of cerebral convolution gather together and ingression(89%) and grey matter of brain ingression(78%) were seen in the cases. 并中线结构移位占81%25,侧脑室受压变形占67%25,脑回皱襞聚拢内移占89%25,脑灰白质内移占78%25。
- MRI inspection showed abnormal signals in bilateral occipital regions near the cerebral ventricle, which suggested addison-schilder disease, which was treated by olfactory ensheathing cell( OECs) transplantation. 临床上主要表现为智能障碍、搐、济失调、挛性瘫痪及肾上腺皮质功能不全等。