- education service fairness 教育服务公平
- An affordable nursery education service is an essential basic amenity. 一个负担得起的托儿所的教育公共事业是一个不可或缺的基本的福利设施。
- The dissertation explores the influence of service fairness on the Customer Voluntary Performance (CVP). 本文就服务公平感对顾客自发行为的影响做了探索。
- The blame lies with the teachers and, by extension, with the Education Service. 应受指责的是教师,再则就是教育机构。
- Therefore, community education should be centered on promoting human development and make attempts to achieve educational fairness, to encourage self-direction, and to sincerely provide educational service for the populace. 为此,社区教育要以促进人的发展为中心,努力实现教育公平,激励民众自主学习,并为民众学习提供真诚的教育服务。
- Our company took part in the workshop which was organized by Education Service Department of Singapore Tourism Board. 2006年2月9日,我公司应邀参加新加坡旅游局教育服务署组织的培训。
- In framework of GATS, China makes a commitment that education service if a special department. 在GATS框架内,中国将教育服务作为一个部门作了相应的承诺。
- China Connection Education Service (CCES) was founded in 2001,it is an offshore intermediary organization (Cert. 香港师源教育机构(简称师源)成立于2001年,是国家外专颁发行政许可证(证号049)引进境外文教专家的机构。
- The Adult and Higher Education Service is a branch of the Education Division of Caritas - Hong Kong. 香港明爱社区及高等教育服务隶属于香港明爱教育部,成立于一九六三年。
- The Community and Higher Education Service is a branch of the Education Division of Caritas - Hong Kong. 香港明爱社区及高等教育服务隶属于香港明爱教育部,成立于一九六三年。
- School education services come under the Education Ordinance (Cap.279). 《教育条例》(第279章)规管学校教育服务。
- Health Care Business Interests: Seeking to provide pharmaceutical, nutriceutical, medical and healthcare industrial education service in China. 美国医疗保健公司合作意向有意在华提供医药、滋补药产品和医疗保健等方面的服务。
- Resources have also been directed to programs which aim to raise productivity through better farm management and improved rural health and education service. 还对一些旨在通过农田管理和改善农村卫生和教育服务以提高生产率的规化投入资源。
- The evidences show that increasing competition in education service market is associated with better university &college education performance. 研究表明:以院校排名为衡量绩效,教育劳务市场竞争有利于提高院校绩效;
- Well, maybe it's not quite that simple.But Newsweek is joining up with Kaplan Inc., the education service provider, to offer an online business degree. 当然,也许没有想像中那麽简单,但新闻周刊已经和卡普兰教育服务机构携手,提供线上企管学位。
- The announcement points out, various education service wants the place bad to campus network news is prevented accuse to have fixed or nonsked supervisory examination. 通知指出,地方各级教育行政部门要对校园网络不良信息防控进行定期或不定期的监督检查。
- There are many problems in assessing and controlling a cultural or educational service. 在估价和管理文化或教育事业时存在着许多问题。
- Trade in international education services evolves from non-profit international cooperation and exchanges in education. 国际教育服务贸易从公益性的教育国际交流与合作演变而来。
- It also has additional information about documentation, education services, and information design at SAP. 这里同时还有新增的,关于文档、培训服务及SAP相关构思的信息。
- The paper introduced the actuality about educational service trade between Chino-U.S. 美国在其教育服务国际贸易发展中取得了举世瞩目的成绩,给人以有益的启示与借鉴。