- Phyllanthus emblica is a wild resource of great economic significance in China. 余甘子是我国的一种重要野生经济资源。
- Then, give the economic significance and calculational methods of these four kinds calculational methods. 然后,重点介绍了四种类型的技术进步贡献的经济意义及计算方法。
- However, the economic significance of SMEs has so far not been fully reflected in the balance sheet of our banks. 然而,银行资产负债表的组成并未完全反映中小企的经济价值。
- This historical breakthrough, not only of great political influence, but also has far-reaching economic significance. 这一历史性的突破,不仅具有巨大的政治影响,也具有深远的经济意义。
- The member states of the SCO sate that the geopolitical and economic significance of Central Asia keeps growing. 十一、本组织成员国指出,中亚的地缘政治、经济意义日益上升。
- Padiation intensity measured by instrument at 100-150m above ground is no gu ide to the economic significance of an occurrence. 在100-150米高空用仪器测得的放射性不能说明矿点的经济价值。
- Radiation intensity measured by instrument at 100-150m above ground is no guide to the economic significance of an occurrence. 在100-150米高空用仪器测得的放射性不能说明矿点的经济价值。
- It is great economic significance to carry out a study on the geological characteristics and genesis of the Skarn type magnetite deposit in this area. 东姚矿区以矽卡岩型磁铁矿为主,研究该地区的矽卡岩型磁铁矿床的地质特征及成因有重要的意义。
- In his epochal-making thesis about climate change, Mr Lovins explains in detail the economic significance of climate change. 在他划时代的“气候变化:有利又有益”这篇论文中,他详细描述了经济学意义上的气候变化。
- It has the social and economic significance to research and develop the high-efficiency, innoxious, secure antibacterial materials. 因此,对于安全、高效、无毒抗菌材料的研究开发具有重要的社会及经济意义。
- Acipenser sinensis in aquatic products in domestic and international high value goods, but also has great economic significance. 中华鲟在国内外水产品中商品价值也极高,又具有很大的经济意义。
- The PMM can be gained better properties at a low polymer-cement ratio, which have a great economic significance to enlarge its engineering application. 最后考虑经济因素,对改性砂浆的拌和工艺和工程造价进行了探讨,使其在聚合物掺量较低的情况下获得优良的性能,对推广其工程应用具有很大的经济意义。
- The club's social, political and economic significance dwarfs that of any other club in the world, with the possible exception of Barcelona. 这家球会的社会、政治和经济意义让世界上任何一家球会相形见绌,除了一个可能的例外巴塞罗那。
- Two new species of Ferula and their economical significance in Sinkiang. 新疆药用阿魏的两个新种及其应用.
- The. paper reports the geograghical position, tne natural conditions of jianghua county, and variety 'coposition distribution, and economic significance of honey Plant. 本文论述了江华瑶族自治县的地理位置、自然条件,蜜源植物的种类、组成特点。
- Qinghai province is a poor region in the western part of China. Building large industrial projects is of great political and economic significance to the strategy of developing the west. 青海省是我国西部的贫困地区,在此建设大型工业项目对我国的西部大开发战略具有极为重要的政治和经济意义。
- This paper reports generic characters, bionomics, economical significance and classification of Pegomya. 摘要报告了泉蝇属的属征、生物学、经济意义和分类概况。
- Efficiency is the concept on economics significance mainly , fairness has but the sociology significance still more. 效率主要是经济学意义上的概念,而公平则更多地具有社会学的意义。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- This paper reports generic characters,bionomics,economical significance and classification of Pegomya. 报告了泉蝇属的属征、生物学、经济意义和分类概况。