- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- San Francisco is in an earthquake zone. 旧金山在一个地震带上。
- Neil: Maybe so, but it's in a really dangerous earthquake zone. 尼尔:也许是吧,但三藩市位于十分危险的地震区内。
- More foreign aid was delivered to China?s earthquake zone. 更多外国援助被移送到中国地震灾区。
- Mexico City is in an earthquake zone and earth tremors are not unusual. 墨西哥城处于地震带,时常有小震。
- Torrential rain has inflicted more damage in the earthquake zone where millions are still camping out in fear of fresh tremors. 倾盆大雨使地震区遭受到更大的损失,那里成千上万的人因为害怕再发生地地震而仍在露宿。
- Tasleem is one of over 13 000 women who are expected to give birth every month in the earthquake zone. 地震灾区每月预计有13000多名妇女要分娩,Tasleem是其中之一。
- "If this is an earthquake, although the epicenter in the United States, other countries are also earthquake zone. “如果说这是一场地震,那么震中虽然在美国,其他国家也在震区。”
- Circum-Pacific seismic belt, the Mediterranean - Asia earthquake zone is the world's largest two seismic zone. 留学解答资讯网:环太平洋地震带、地中海-亚洲地震带是地球上最大了两条地震带。
- The news from here in the heart of China's earthquake zone remains heartbreakingly grim. 来自中国地震灾区的消息仍令人心情沉重。
- IFAW workers and local veterinarians unload dog food. IFAW brought 6 tons of dog food to the earthquake zone. IFAW的工作人员与当地兽医一起卸狗粮。在灾区救援期间,IFAW共调来6吨狗粮援助当地。----IFAW
- IFAW IFAW workers and local veterinarians unload dog food. IFAW brought 6 tons of dog food to the earthquake zone. IFAW的工作人员与当地兽医一起卸狗粮。在灾区救援期间,IFAW共调来6吨狗粮援助当地。
- In the earthquake zone, many companion animals are still guarding their former homes awaiting the return of their owners. 在地震灾区,至今还有许多不离不弃的幸存小动物,忠实地守望着自己的家园。
- The earthquake occurs in the south of Tarim Basin and near the Altyn Tagh earthquake zone at the edge of West Kunlun Mountain. 地震发生在塔里木盆地的南边,靠近西昆仑山区边缘的阿尔金地震带。
- Fleets of lorries haul bricks and steel into the earthquake zone and carry rubble out, kicking up thick clouds of dust on the roads. 卡车队拉着砖块和钢铁运往震区、并运出碎石,一路上扬起厚厚的灰尘。
- Chinese characters posted in shops throughout the earthquake zone feature a new buzzword -- ''self-reliant.'' The term also usually signals a discount. 几周前他们还对免费的米饭和饮水感激不已,现在,他们开始渴望冰激凌和冰镇啤酒了。
- Casing deformation takes place in these geological environments such as plastic rock layer, fault zone, active lithosphere zone, earthquake zone and the place where sand flows. 分析了油井套管损坏的地质环境,指出在塑性岩层、断层、地壳活动、地震活动及油层出砂等地质环境中易造成油井的套管损坏。
- State television broadcasts endless footage of him in the earthquake zone, wearing trainers, ordering troops through a megaphone and comforting victims. 国家电视台不间断地播放他在地震灾区的镜头,脚穿运动鞋,手持扩音喇叭向军队发布命令,安慰灾民。
- Our country is located in the Pacific Ocean , the Asia earthquake zone , geologicstructure is complicated, is that a earthquake sends out the country muchly. 我国地处太平洋、亚洲地震带,地质构造复杂,是一个地震多发国家。
- The eccentrically braced steel frame is a very popular seismic structural system in some strong earthquake zones. 摘要偏心支撑钢框架结构体系是一种非常适合强震地区的抗震结构体系。