- Lacquer has the dual nature of painting and craft. 漆画有绘画和工艺的双重性。
- It seems logical to have one project with a dual nature. 一个项目有双重性质,这似乎很合乎逻辑。
- The basic reason is that the bill has the dual nature of chattel and document. 其根本原因在于票据本身具有动产物和权利凭证的双重属性。
- This dual nature means that dialog boxes must be compact and powerful, speedy and smooth, and yet be clear and self-explanatory. 这种双重性质意味着对话框必须是紧凑和功能强大,快速而流利的,并且在使用上清晰和具有自我解释性。
- Technologies that predate mainstream Web services offer a dual nature in the way they fit into frameworks. 领先于主流Web服务的技术在适应框架的方式上提供了双重特性。
- And the dual nature of the cityprovides a perfect environment for the development of the duality in Dorian Gray. 而城市的这一双重性特点又进一步影响了居住于其中的人们的心态,在小说中为主人公约里安自身双重性的觉醒和释放提供了很好的环境。
- Through the sacred act of love, they sought to merge the dual nature of their sexuality into an ecstatic union. 通过神圣之爱的行动,他们看到了他们二元的性进入一种狂喜的联合里面。
- Ligou s Buddhism outlook involves the dual nature: the exclusion of Buddhism and the agreement on it. 李觏佛教观具有双重性,既有排佛的一面,也有容佛的一面。
- You may remember that we talked about the dual nature of true compassion, which is awareness of a common bond of shared mortality and immortality. 也许你还记得我们说过真正同情有两面性,即:觉察到那个“必死"(命运)和”不朽“(“本质”)的共同纽带。
- With the development of tourism,the built environment of ancient town possesses dual nature and presents two dimension evolvement character. 旅游活动的开展使古镇建成环境具有二重性,并相应呈现出二维演化特征。
- Another mistake is that they think the abstract labor does not deny the utility of labor absolutely,they misunderstand Max' theory of dual nature of labor and some other theories. 他们另一个错误是 ,认为抽象劳动并不绝对否定劳动的效用。 他们误解了马克思的劳动二重性学说 ,以及马克思的一些论述
- The dual nature of the human existence and that of rational target provide a rational basis of reasonableness for the existence of rational value and tools. 摘要人的双重性存在以及理性对象的双重性为价值理性与工具理性存在的提供了合理性依据。
- Housing dual nature of the commodity, he can be a luxury that can be necessities, luxury villa is a luxury for most people, the general housing is a necessity for most people. 房屋这个商品具有双重性,他即可以是奢侈品也可以是必需品,豪华别墅对于大部分人来说是奢侈品,一般住房对于大部分人来说是必需品。
- In other words, oil has a dual nature, as well as non-polar, and polar components, both oil and water don't phase miscibility and the possibility of oil-water miscible. 也不离是说,油具有两重性,既是否极性,又具有极性成不合,既活命油火不相混溶性,又活命油火混溶的不定性。
- Monk is also well aware of Ryder's dual nature and knows that he is capable of switching sides.If that happens, he is ready and willing to kill Ryder without compunction. 道士也清楚莱德具有双重性质;他也有可能改变而去帮恶魔.;如果那样地话他会准备杀掉莱德而不会感到内心不安
- From the perspective of economics, medical services are characterized by monopolization, the dual nature of entrustment and agency and the inflexibility of demands. 医疗服务具有垄断性、委托代理双重性和需求刚性。
- Dual nature of personal right and right of property, exclusiveness and public nature and nature of share, individualism and social nature in the intellectual property right are analysed in this paper. 本文分析了知识产权中的人身权与财产权、占性与公用性、他性与共享性、人性与社会性等多种形式的双重性特征。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Be aware of the dual nature of your personality.You have a side with a great capacity for belief and a negative side with an equal capacity for disbelief.Exercise the first,and the second will wither away. 要了解你个性中的二元性,你具备“充分确信”的积极面,同时具备“完全不相信”的消极面,务必实践第一种个 性,而第二种个性将会自动消减。