- Facing successive solar storms, humans can't drop their guard. 面对连续出现的太阳风暴,人类不能放松警惕。
- drop their guard vi. 丧失警惕
- I couldn't put it up because of their guard. 因为他们的防守,我没办法将球投进去。
- They drop their net to the floor of the ocean. 他们把网下到海底。
- The three were fully armed and on their guard. 他们三个全副武装并有所戒备。
- They shout to the robber to drop their guns. 他们向抢劫者喊话让他们放下手中的枪。
- The words set them on their guard. 这话引起了他们的警惕。
- Sets whether chickens can drop their he grenade! 设定鸡是否能扔手雷!
- They shout to the robber to drop their gun. 他们向抢劫者喊话让他们放下手中的枪。
- The ewes are beginning to drop their lambs. 母羊开始产羔了。
- New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's. 新英格兰人省略元音后的r。
- Two prisoners outwitted their guards and got away. 有两个囚犯设计欺骗了警卫而逃走了。
- I couldn't pass it because their guard was blocking me. 我投不进,因为他们的防守盖我帽。
- They dropped their net to the floor of the ocean. 他们把网下到海底。
- They did their best to keep on their guard (be on the alert). 他们尽量保持警惕。
- Their guard was asleep at the switch when the robber broke in. 当抢匪闯入时,警卫竟然擅离职守。
- They did their best to keep on their guard[on the alert]. 他们尽量保持警惕。
- The prisoners complained of ill treatment by their guards. 囚犯们抱怨看守虐待他们。
- Snap dragons, calceolaria and lark spur will drop their florets rapidly. 金鱼草,蒲包花和翠雀花的小花将迅速脱落。
- They dropped their voices as they entered the hall. 他们走进大厅时就压低了讲话声音。