- The Congress examined and approved the draft budget. 国会审查并通过了该项预算草案。
- Shelley: I'm still waiting for your feedback on the draft budget I sent you. (雪莉:之前我有寄给你初步的预算表,我在等你的回音。)
- The total amounts in the draft budget are 25.3 trillion rupiah or 39 percent lower than this year's budget. 这项预算草案的总金额比今年减少二十五兆三千亿盾或百分之三十九。
- He and his officials have released a blizzard of tax and health-care proposals that largely repackage, or add detail to, the ambitious draft budget he released in February. 他和他的官员们上周发表了大量有关税收和卫生保健的提议。他在二月份发表过一项雄心勃勃的预算草案,这些提议大部分只是对那项草案的再包装或添加一些细节说明而已。
- Agence France-Presse, Jakarta) - Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri unveiled a draft budget for 2003, which forecasts a faster economic growth for Indonesia in coming year. 法新社雅加达电)印尼总统梅嘉娃蒂公布二00三年预算草案时表示,明年印尼的经济成长将更加快速。
- For his part, Mr Obama has acknowledged the urgency of addressing entitlements, but said more specifics would have to await his draft budget proposal, due for submission in mid-February. 奥巴马已经认识到了解决补助问题的紧迫性,但是他说要制定更多具体措施,还需等他的预算案草案二月中旬递交后再议。
- The State Council shall give timely instructions regarding the compilation of the next year's draft budgets. 第三十五条国务院应当及时下达关于编制下一年预算草案的指示。
- The concrete matters relating to the compilation of draft budgets shall be arranged by the finance department under the State Council. 编制预算草案的具体事项,由国务院财政部门部署。
- The governments, departments and units at various levels shall compile their respective draft budgets within the period of time prescribed by the State Council. 第二十四条各级政府、各部门、各单位应当按照国务院规定的时间编制预算草案。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 经济拮据的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- Our budget has been pared to the bone. 我们的预算已削减到最低限度。
- Your budget figures were bang on this year. 你今年的预算数字十分准确。
- The committee approved the budget. 委员会核准该预算案。
- John was drafted into the Army last year. 约翰去年被应征入伍。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 国会通过了新的教育预算。
- Your budget figures were spot-on this year. 你做的本年度预算数字十分准确。
- Now let's draft the contract and then sign it. 那么我们起草合同,然后签字。
- We had to trim a lot off our travel budget. 我们当时只好大量削减旅行预算。
- Her brother was drafted into military service. 她哥哥应徵入伍。
- Our budget needs drastic revision. 我们的预算需作重大修改。