- It was not just double meaning, but quadruple meaning! 这喑喻不但是双重,更是四重暗喻!
- It was not just double meaning,but quadruple meaning! 这喑喻不但是双重,更是四重暗喻!
- Double meaning can help soothe the awkwardness of bribe-paying. (词语的)重含义可以减少行贿者的尴尬。
- Puns are based on words that have a double meaning or words that sound alike. 双关语所用的字都有双重的意义,或者发音很接近。
- Hey, we want to call the band the 'Beatles.'@ Hmm, bit creepy, isn't it? It's all right though, a double meaning. “嘿,我们要把乐队叫‘Beatles,’”哎,听上去有点虫子爬的感觉,是吧?这名字不错,一语双关。
- In our case it is handled by a certain degree of double meaning which leads to an abstraction that is never compulsory. 我们通过掌控材料的复合意义,从而顺其自然地表达抽象的精神。
- Paisay, my Chinese not so good.... didn't notice the double meaning with the gay innuendo. 你太谦虚了,华文不好就不会知道这个词的双关语了。厉害厉害!
- We complain about doublespeak but rely on double meanings. 这对发展中国家很不公平,势必会妨碍多哈回合实现公平与发展的宗旨。
- "This clarification, of course, does nothing to correct the first statement and the double meaning of the joke becomes even more laughable . 当然,这个解释并没有纠正她的第一句话,反而使这个笑话的双重含义变得更加好笑。
- A double meaning. 双重含义
- This word has a double meaning. 这个字有双重意义。
- The rhetoric ways mainly have the analogy and the metonymy, the comparison and the exaggeration, the irony and double meaning, parallelism and relapse, antithesis and comparison and so on. 修辞方式主要有比喻与借代,比拟与夸张,反语与双关,排比与反复,对偶与对照等等。
- And culture of the area carries double meanings: a special community culture and a kind of management theory. 高新技术开发区文化是一种独特的社区文化,又是一种管理理论,具有双重含义。
- Chapter five, the cultural interpretation of the rhetoric of double meanings, further elucidates the phenomenon from the cultural perspective. 第五章“双重意义修辞的文化阐释”则从文化的角度对这种现象进行深入阐释。
- Wavelet analysis is a new rapidly developing discipline.It has the double meanings in deeping theory and extensive uses at the same time. 小波分析是一门迅速发展起来的新兴学科,它同时具有理论深刻和应用十分广泛的双重意义。
- There are there theories on the concept of burden of proof: behavioral burden theory, consequential burden theory, and double meanings theory. 我国关于举证责任的概念存在三种学说:行为责任说、结果责任说、双重含义说。
- Searching for the double meanings of a geometric figure hence has become an important method in the investigation under the dynamic geometry environment. 因此,探讨图形的双重意义已构成动态几何研究的重要的方法。
- He is working double tides to finish his essay. 他日夜苦干,赶写他的文章。
- I do not realize it is a double feature. 我原先不知道这是双片连映。