- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- That old block of flats is a real eyesore! 那座旧公寓真不顺眼!
- I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。
- At a distance of six miles you can't see much. 距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。
- We spied three figures in the distance. 我们望见远处有三个人影儿。
- The office block is under offer. 办公大楼已有人出价购买。
- The athlete got over the distance in ten minutes. 那个运动员用了10分钟跑完这段路程。
- The British line was forced back a short distance. 英军的阵线被迫后退一段距离。
- My house is four miles distance from the sea. 我家离海四英里。
- He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反对动议的通过。
- We can see the mountain from the distance. 我们从远处就可以看到那座山。
- A bullfrog was croaking in the distance. 一只牛蛙在远处呱呱地叫。
- A heavy snowfall block the main road. 一次严重的降雪阻塞了主要公路。
- I heard a faint sound in the distance. 我听到远处有个微弱的声音。
- Write your name in block capitals, please. 姓名请用大写。
- The farthest distance I've run is ten miles. 我跑过的最长的距离是十英里。
- He buy a block of share in mark and spencer. 他购买了“麦克斯和斯潘塞百货联销店”的大宗股份。
- He has a mental block about maths. 他一遇到数学问题就糊涂。