- detur talis dosis (拉)给予同剂量, 给此剂量
- datur talis dosis 给予剂量
- Dosis of frozen bull semen.Specifications. 英文名称: Artificial insemination of animals.
- Tali, where are you?.B:I'm coming. 泰莉,你在哪里?乙:我快来了。
- In extreme cases this could create a lethal dosis of lead. 在极端情况下,这能够造成致人于死地的铅的剂量。
- Methods: Eight cadaveric tali were osteotomized at the talar neck. 方法:将8例尸骨距骨于距骨颈处截骨。
- Tali and Osnat came around this afternoon and stayed until the evening. 下午塔莉和奥斯娜特过来了,一直玩到傍晚。
- The tree lords of Tali Township are a favorite spot for a snooze in the shade. 大里乡的树王公也是乡民纳凉打盹的好地方。
- Methods We designed the single incision on the postmedial line of the cranium and dissectted bluntly under aponeurosis of occipitofron talis muscle. 方法:将手术切口设计在颅后中线上,从帽状腱膜深层钝性分离,进入颞区在颞浅筋膜深分离至眶外侧,充分上提颞部组织后切除多余头皮组织,最后分层缝合。
- Miretur omne saeculum,talis decet partus Deum.Non ex virili semine,sed mystico spiramineVerbum Dei factum est carofructusque ventris floruit. 此曲如泣如诉,歌词源自一首拉丁圣诗Veni RedemptorVeni, redemptor gentium,ostende partum virginis;
- For this reason you should always bring your medicine in the original container on which is usually found the description of the dosis administration. 您应务必把药品放在原来包装里,因为包装上通常有计量控制说明。
- Open platforms can be scary for the provider but if you hold your nerve, as we are with our open platform at Talis, then the rewards can be immense. 我猜想如果他们没有试图关闭这个市场,他们应该还在这样做着,因此疏远克隆制造者并且强迫他们设计新架构。
- Ist denn nun "wissenschaftliches" Denken und "philosophisches" nur durch die Dosis verschieden? Oder vielleicht durch die Gebiete? 如今,“科学”思维和“哲学”思维难道只是因为剂量(注意其隐喻)而不同吗?抑或是因为研究的领域而不同?
- Streets, communities and villages in Tali County are named for local tree lords, as is this utility pole. 以树王公为村、里、道路名四处可见,大里乡以树公为电线杆标号,倒是新鲜。
- This grape is also called Roussette and produces strong wines with a pleasant dosis of acidity and a herbal taste with a touch of mineral. 此葡萄还被命名为胡塞特并且制造出一种含有适度的酸性和香草味道.;有一点矿物质
- A double misfortune for Tali Township's venerable red cedar, struck by lightning and now outgrown by its neighbours. 大里乡的茄苳公曾遭雷袭,又有多种树木附生,真是祸不单行。
- Tali sono le famiglie d’Issacar secondo il loro censimento: sessanta quattromila trecento. 以萨迦的子孙,按着家族,属陀拉的,有陀拉家族;属普瓦的,有普瓦家族;
- Tali furono da tutti i lati i confini dei figliuoli di Giuda secondo le loro famiglie. 这是犹大人按着家族所得四围的境界。
- Tali sono le famiglie dei figliuoli di Gad secondo il loro censimento: quarantamila cinquecento. 属阿斯尼的,有阿斯尼家族;属以利的,有以利家族;