- Experiences of lithium ion cell manufacture process. 有锂离子电芯生产加工经验。
- The lithium ion cell consists of electrode, elec trolyte and polymer diaphragm etc. 锂离子电池是由电极、电解质及聚合物隔膜等部分组成。
- Simple scheme to produce the GHZ, state of three hot trapped ions is proposed. 摘要提出了一个产生3个热囚禁离子GHZ态的简单方案。
- Joel H Parks, Rowland Institute for Science Cambridge, Massachusetts, Structural Dynamics of Trapped Ions Clusters and DNA, 06.18. 程曜;清华大学;1、纳米科技展望;2、纳米管在微陀螺仪中的应用;07.;04
- The superposition of motional coherent states distributes on a line in phase space,the scheme can prepare the maximum entangled GHZstate for arbitrary multiple trapped ions. 制备的叠加运动相干态在位相空间呈一直线分布;该方案能用来制备任意多个囚禁离子的最大纠缠GHZ态.
- Cylindrical Lithium ion Cell For Power Tools 电动工具用圆柱型锂离子电池
- Population Inversion of a Trapped Ion in Travelling-Wave Laser 行波激光场中囚禁离子的布居反转
- Generation of Squeezed Number States of the Motion of a Trapped Ion 一个囚禁离子运动压缩数态的制备
- Abstract : Effects of overdischarge on characteristics of lithium ion cells were deeply studied, and experiments have been made to reveal its mechanisms. 摘要 : 本文深入研究了过放电对锂离子电池性能的影响,并进行了机理研究。
- He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。
- We can now manipulate and control coherently not only the internal electronic states, but also the external motional states with very high precision by coupling the trapped ions to laser fields. 在过去的几年里,无论是理论研究还是实验探索,囚禁离子量子计算和量子信息处理都取得了惊人的成就。
- The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters. 这个集装箱的体积是20立方米。
- And researchers can apply the techniques for entangling trapped ions to increase the sensitivity of measurements in spectroscopy, the analysis of the light emitted by excited atoms. 研究人员可以利用捕获离子间的缠结,增加光谱测量的灵敏度,来分析原子发出的光。
- The store- room be400 cubic feet in volume. 这库房的容量是400立方英尺。
- What's the cubic capacity of this engine? 这台发动机的立体容积是多少?
- The volume of this container is 1000 cubic feet. 该容器的容积是一千立方英尺。
- Scheme for Implementing Quantum State Transfer in Cavity QED with Trapped Ion 基于腔场QED和囚禁技术的量子态转移方案
- Interaction between a trapped ion with a single mode quantized radiation field 囚禁离子与单模场的相互作用
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
- Be ware of falling into their trap. 当心中了他们的计。